1/6 Sideshow Mythos Obi Wan 1/6 Desert Figure

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And yet again this is why I rarely buy Sideshow figures. Hot Toys level prices for usually nowhere near Hot Toys level quality.

Hope it turns out better than the first pics seem to indicate for those that ordered, though.
I spent points on it. Only owe $32. But I'm not even mad.

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The drop-off here is not too surprising, this is what you sign up for when you buy Sideshow figures 99% of the time.
I hope in hand pics look sharper than this. Something about their manuf process just murders their sculpting detail and the lightly airbrushed paint efx give a real doll like quality. Hopefully this is mostly photo processing as we all know SS photos can be hit or miss.
Prototype on left, production on right. Face in the proto looked so nice.... Oh sideshow, "And that is why you fail..."

View attachment 432105

Good God.

Pissy, yellow robes? Paint on the boots is disappointing. The more auburn colour emoted his ROTS look, which was cool. The cleaner saber made more sense in the proto— now it looks nearly indistinguishable from the ANH one.

And that’s not even getting started on the head sculpt and paint.

That yellow tunic looks terrible. Sculpt and paint apps on it are typical of SS. The rest looks fine. I’d rather have fun picking up bits and finishing out my custom though, especially considering the price of this thing.
I think the new pics are victim of some bad photography and terrible posing... and a pretty shoddy production piece. Sideshow in-hand tends to be better than pics, so I guess we'll see? Not getting my hopes up high. Woof, that's an ugly figure... that I'm about to have in my collection...
It doesn't look THAT bad. The photos are softened and so is the sculpt. I wish they would have given him clear goggles as the painted lenses just aren't up to modern standards at this price. Hard to keep supporting SS when they offer this type of execution. Other than the goggles and the head MAYBE needing a repaint, I'm ok with my purchase.
TO SSC: The goggles are just not acceptable for adult high end collectibles anymore. This was ok in the early 2000s, but not now. Please support your fans by doing better than this. I would have paid $263 for clear lenses. :confused:
Is the slight Asian look to Ben's face intentional? Given his Samurai inspiration I thought it might have been intentional. Almost looks like Joel Edgerton (Owen actor from the PT) with subtly Asian features.


And yeah, I think the pics aren't doing the sculpt any favors - this pic is the clearest of the bunch:

Looks okay in that second shot. Seems like they tried to make him look like a young version of the HT Obi-Wan rather than a younger Guinness.

Seems like they used this as a reference for the brow expression.

Is the slight Asian look to Ben's face intentional? Given his Samurai inspiration I thought it might have been intentional. Almost looks like Joel Edgerton (Owen actor from the PT) with subtly Asian features.


And yeah, I think the pics aren't doing the sculpt any favors - this pic is the clearest of the bunch:


Wow does that look rough or what? No thanks.

At least Skiff Lando is wearing a helmet with 40% of his face covered up...
I was on the fence with this one. Thankfully this is one that I now don’t want in my collection.
This is why I refuse to pre-order any figure from Sideshow. They’re like a “box of chocolates”. You never know what you’re going to get. Hopefully it looks better in-hand.
Looks okay in that second shot. Seems like they tried to make him look like a young version of the HT Obi-Wan rather than a younger Guinness.

Seems like they used this as a reference for the brow expression.


Yeah now that you mention it, it does remind me more of the HT sculpt.

I'm sure a repaint would improve it quite a bit, but it still wouldn't capture the young Alec Guinness as well as the mythos statue.