1/6 Sideshow Mythos Obi Wan 1/6 Desert Figure

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Oof.... I was looking forward to this very much. Now I'm unsure.

Not only is the headsculpt Sideshow's usual blugh, now his inner robes are piss yellow and even his lightsaber looks worse. It would take a lot of work and extra money to get this looking good.
Not only is the headsculpt Sideshow's usual blugh, now his inner robes are piss yellow and even his lightsaber looks worse. It would take a lot of work and extra money to get this looking good.

Looking at the two side by side is really jarring. It's almost like looking at an official figure and then a knock off...

I guess I'll wait to see people's pics in-hand to decide now. Bummer, as I was really looking forward to this figure based off the proto and even what they showed at SDCC.
I actually like that the robes look more weathered and dingy but that face... that is exactly how I was afraid it would turn out. SSC really needs to tighten up on their production painting. I'm glad I never preordered.
Not only is the headsculpt Sideshow's usual blugh, now his inner robes are piss yellow and even his lightsaber looks worse. It would take a lot of work and extra money to get this looking good.

Well, I cannot un-see the "piss yellow" robes. That takes care of that. :slap :lol
Just cancelled. I will never preorder a Sideshow figure again. I'll wait to see if the final figure is quality or not. Just glad their Dengar was very good. Guess that was a fluke.
This is so disappointing. I may have to cancel even at the risk of ending up on the BBTS **** list.
Looking at more pics on their website, no it's not as nice as the proto, but it isn't that awful, but I felt even the proto wasn't worth $260 and feel the same about the production version.
Looking at more pics on their website, no it's not as nice as the proto, but it isn't that awful, but I felt even the proto wasn't worth $260 and feel the same about the production version.

It just is too clean.The paint work would have been good ten years ago, but not in 2018. If It was a hundred bucks cheaper I'd say, 'awesome!' At $260, however, that's a giant, 'Oh Hell No!'

I have their Mythos Fett ordered via BBTS, but my hopes for it being anywhere near proto level just went way down. We shall see. I still feel Dengar is a very well done figure and glad he is a part of my collection, so Mythos Fett may turn out decent or very good.

Guess I am still hoping for the best with each sideshow release.
Hmm, after checking out the new pics I do see some potential there for a cool figure, after a repaint and some heavy weathering. And I do like the design of this a lot more than the Mythos Fett at least.

But it's definitely not something I care enough about to spend $260 on.
Hmmmmmmmmm ...

I told myself that I was a big enough fan of the concept that I'd be comfortable pre-ordering this figure.

It doesn't look bad on it's own, but once you put it next to the proto ... oof.

But again, looking at the pictures on SSC's site, it doesn't look bad.
Hmm, after checking out the new pics I do see some potential there for a cool figure, after a repaint and some heavy weathering. And I do like the design of this a lot more than the Mythos Fett at least.

But it's definitely not something I care enough about to spend $260 on.
$50 off code and I would get it probably. Its not bad but yeah $260 is way too much.
Was waiting so long for this, was gonna be my introduction into 1/6 figures. So bummed by how bad it looks now
Been staring at those updated photos on the SSC site...

I'm not jumping on the panic train here on this one for a few reasons...I really like the concept, I like the outfit and gear and with the right futzing, it should look great in photos and on display.

Are there noticeable differences between the proto and the prod? Heck yeah. The paint work isn't as sharp and intense, the outfit's weathering is more pronounced (especially the "sand worn" yellowish tint on the tunic and tabbards), the "leather work" (pouches and fine detailing) of the belt isn't as featured on the new photos as much (and yeah, that's a little scary considering it was such a point of pride in the original set of shots and in the roll-out of the proto)

Red alert? I don't think so. I'm glad Sideshow changed up the shots with the proto so we can see what we're in store for. I wish the photos were more hi-res.

I'm not even touching the price. It is what it is. A concept figure in a up-scaled package (wish they'd gone a little more off the reservation with the box treatment and design, but that's probably Diz-mandated limitations they are contending with there) and as I mentioned when this was announced, it would've been a real bonus to have an inspired stand treatment for this.

I am not going to be a bit surprised if when this hits, it ends up with a similar edition size to the Snowspeeder Luke and disappears as quickly (got a spare hat laying around here to eat if I'm wrong). I think that once it appears and we see some of the folks in here doing their fine work with some good photos and for those so inclined, a list of mods to enhance it more. I'm expecting another "Dengar" here...no, not like the prototype, but still a strong figure.

I'm still excited to get it - just wish it wasn't late.
Cancelled my pre-order. I was so incredibly excited for this thing, despite all the red flags.

Sideshow had a chance to improve their quality and actually justify charging Hot Toys prices for this...do they think we're dumb? Are they just arrogant as hell? They've done this same crap numerous times. I was really hoping they were actually gonna learn from their mistakes with this figure. Nope!

Strange thing is Sideshow makes some pretty good, high quality statues, but when it comes to their figures they are incompetent buffoons who make the same mistakes over and over again. They show a pretty good looking prototype to get us hyped then the production version is laughably bad in comparison, and simply NOT worth the prices they are so arrogantly charging. It's honestly insulting. 😒😒😒