I think it would mean he was scraped or at the least, postponed. They may want the focus to be on the OT as a bridge to the new sequels? I'd prefer Solo, myself, and it'd be a nice reveal, especially given the extraordinary wait for the DX15's announcement.While I'm pumped for a DX Han Solo, does this mean Anakin has been scrapped? Last time Hot Toys talked about it was supposed to be very close to being done.
I can see them going that route as well. Release Han then Leia during the hype up to the release of Episode VII. Personally don't mind if they scraped EP3 Anakin anyways.I think it would mean he was scraped or at the least, postponed. They may want the focus to be on the OT as a bridge to the new sequels? I'd prefer Solo, myself, and it'd be a nice reveal, especially given the extraordinary wait for the DX15's announcement.
Not sure loads is the right word. One additional Biker Scout from Ep III and a 4LOM body (maybe another 3PO type droid but nothing anyone needs) and do you really think they'll make a lot of pilots? Luke Hoth Pilot as a con exclusive and maybe at best Wedge. And I doubt Wedge.
Remember all the uses for those Praji/Piett Imperial uniforms? Yeah? Well, where are they?
I've got second two SW robot Chicken films - haven't watched all of it yet.
I'm guessing that Ewok skit is on the 3rd one?
@ Hokie - that had nothing to do with my gag.
..& Puay - did you miss my earlier comment regarding part recycling?
You're perpetuating a misconception by thinking these troops share identical armour pieces.![]()
Finally, Biker Scouts.
Should have made those back when the three stooges were offered.
The Kenner "Biker Scout" was the first ROTJ figure I ever bought and I got it before the movie came out because they were just so cool looking. This figure is so, so bought.