Another SS head sculpt fail. Paint is soft (very soft) and they eyes look like an eskimo. HT Beaker FTW. It will beat ALL Beaker headsculpts. EVER.......
Sadly I have to agree with you on the sculpt.
Another SS head sculpt fail. Paint is soft (very soft) and they eyes look like an eskimo. HT Beaker FTW. It will beat ALL Beaker headsculpts. EVER.......
I've actually used some soldier story bodies and heads on some of my Marmit sandtroopers and stormtroopers. Didn't have to alter the heads at all on them because the Marmit buckets are hollow.
Would like to put that to a vote?
so I guess it comes down to the custom collectible question... "WILL IT FIT?"
I'll have to see if a soldier story head can fit in the SS stormtrooper bucket, then it's dremel time! I always tried to put Soldier story heads in the buckets of the luke and han disguise but with all the internal sculpting couldn't come even close.
Didn't know if anyone else has tried this so I thought I'd share the info. The Sideshow helmet is able to flip up just like the Tomy one. For mine all I did was apply pressure along the seams on either side until I heard two "pops" then the front visor could swing open. It is held in place with two little snaps down and the bottom of the helmet on either side and a little bit of glue. It's already hinged and ready to go. I'll be using this third scout that I got yesterday for my Nik Sant custom. Just have to dremmel out the head post and it'll be good to go. This way I won't have to mutilate the head sculpt as bad getting it to fit in the smaller Tomy helmet.
Would almost be easier to make a cast of a face only of a figure and make something to look like a balaclava and put in the opening,Nice find. Wondering if some customisers will find a way to fit a head sculpt in there.
Didn't know if anyone else has tried this so I thought I'd share the info. The Sideshow helmet is able to flip up just like the Tomy one. For mine all I did was apply pressure along the seams on either side until I heard two "pops" then the front visor could swing open. It is held in place with two little snaps down and the bottom of the helmet on either side and a little bit of glue. It's already hinged and ready to go. I'll be using this third scout that I got yesterday for my Nik Sant custom. Just have to dremmel out the head post and it'll be good to go. This way I won't have to mutilate the head sculpt as bad getting it to fit in the smaller Tomy helmet.
This guy will.
[snip photos]
Had to give him quite the haircut. Now to suit him up and wait for the head covering to come in.
SPUD!!!! That is so bad ass man! The bavaclava is going to make it perfect!
Can you explain by applying pressure to the seams.. do you mean from under the helmet as if you were trying to open it from below (BLUE) Or did you mean from the sides of the helmet pressuring to move it forward (RED)?
Blue and Red arrows expertly drawn for visual reference.
View attachment 206325
Just want to make sure I do this right.. because I tend to have bear hands in a way that I touch things and they fall apart lol.