I have no doubt HT will tackle these, as well as many other OT figures. It's just a matter of when. EVERY HT OT character made has sold out relatively quickly, unlike the TFA crap that has lingered for 2 1/2 years now clogging up stock, as will the TLJ figures unless they were smart and produced a much smaller number. I'm sure behind the scenes Disney has something to do with who & what HT makes. No doubt in the coming weeks we'll see HT announce the Solo figures. I say we at least get Solo, Chewie and 1 or 2 troopers. They'll show proto's for the girl and Lando, but they most likely will never see the light of day.
Remember Disney wants to bury the past & the OT and focus on their crappy movies (other than RO) and designs. They refuse to admit that the only fans carrying them on the merch sales front are the old timers they want to get rid of. I wouldn't take a ST figure for a free, unless I was allowed to sell/trade it for an OT figure...