No, thank god. Just using your post to make a point.
So.. Hasbro didn't get the memo then?
They've produced umpteen OT troopers / Imperials with Jango heads.
True, but just sayin'..We aren't talking about Hasbro, are we.
True, but just sayin'..
..& SSC seem to tip their hat to Hasbro on the odd occasion or two, so mentioning that is actually topical in a sense.
That's true too. But you can't seriously compare Sideshow's willingness to pander to collectors nostalgia (for KENNER figures rather than Hasbro, actually) to some weird quirk of LFL pandering to Lucas' insanity.
I guess now that the PT / clone hype has somewhat subsided - & the possibility that Disney have flat out binned the premise anyway, there's probably not nearly as much reason to perpetuate that Jango thing anymore.
What's really amazing is that collectors here can organize a lynch mob over some small inane inaccuracy on a character... yet at the same time demand that a make-believe Hasbro item be included.
"Oh the snowtrooper's gloves are a milimeter too big... but I love the Hasbro rifle!"
Yes, cause the Kenner rifle is make believe unlike the real life Snow troopers you must have running around nutville.
When is individuality going to make a come back?
Does Hasbro make it right?
It amazes me that so many young men are influenced by Hasbro when it comes to Star Wars movies. Blue coats and phoney blasters wanted.
(for KENNER figures rather than Hasbro, actually)