Super Freak
hardy har har on the sell out.
been up a while 189 for teh biker, 299 for the bike. both ex's sold out an hour ago.
been up a while 189 for teh biker, 299 for the bike. both ex's sold out an hour ago.
hardy har har on the sell out.
Only 1,983 of the ex made!!!!!! I got 4 (thank you bogus secondary email accounts)
Do you also have secondary mailing addresses?
The exclusive editions for both trooper and bike simply aren't that attractive to me.
Furthermore with shipping cost involved, guess I will preorder these from my local retailer.
Same here I will get mine from my local retailor to save some dough. btw do we know when it is sheduled to release?
Got it!
Oh ****!!!!!!! Didn't think this through......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!