Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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IMO, I think VERY wishful thinking for off side variants, Iron Grenaders, Tiger Force, etc... I will bet that most of that will not happen unless the variant is a popular design and closer to the classic looks.

Not that I wouldn't wanna see these guys but I think wishful thinking on the parts of our fellow Joe collectors, myself included.

I really don't think there is a weak leak in any of these... They all represent or can be dummy down to the versions we like. Boots, shoulders, head sculpts, eh.... I guess it's better than no one making 12" that represent anything near the originals G.I. Joes!!!!!
IMO, I think VERY wishful thinking for off side variants, Iron Grenaders, Tiger Force, etc... I will bet that most of that will not happen unless the variant is a popular design and closer to the classic looks.

Not that I wouldn't wanna see these guys but I think wishful thinking on the parts of our fellow Joe collectors, myself included.

I really don't think there is a weak leak in any of these... They all represent or can be dummy down to the versions we like. Boots, shoulders, head sculpts, eh.... I guess it's better than no one making 12" that represent anything near the originals G.I. Joes!!!!!

I wish there wasn't a weak link. I think if all the releases looked as good as Storm Shadow and the price point was a little better, then I could see this line getting as big as Star Wars. Lando is 80 and Storm Shadow is 120. I don't get it. :confused:
I wish there wasn't a weak link. I think if all the releases looked as good as Storm Shadow and the price point was a little better, then I could see this line getting as big as Star Wars. Lando is 80 and Storm Shadow is 120. I don't get it. :confused:

Well I'm believe since the GI Joe line is new to Sideshow they know that they can charge a higher dollar amount and still get away with good sales. Star Wars has been out for a while, so the excitement level is not up to par with GI Joe and no offense to SW collectors but Lando can't hold a candle to Storm Shadow, hence the more $$$. He's new to SW collectors and will probably be a good completist figure to the everyone's SW collection but definitely not one of the top figs for SW.

That being said Darth Vader was a lil more and you can see he can demand more $$$. Although comparing apples to oranges I would rate Vader a higher grade to SW than Storm Shadow is to GI Joe.
Well I'm believe since the GI Joe line is new to Sideshow they know that they can charge a higher dollar amount and still get away with good sales. Star Wars has been out for a while, so the excitement level is not up to par with GI Joe and no offense to SW collectors but Lando can't hold a candle to Storm Shadow, hence the more $$$. He's new to SW collectors and will probably be a good completist figure to the everyone's SW collection but definitely not one of the top figs for SW.

That being said Darth Vader was a lil more and you can see he can demand more $$$. Although comparing apples to oranges I would rate Vader a higher grade to SW than Storm Shadow is to GI Joe.

Well, with that kinda logic will send GI Joe into the realm of Lord of the Rings 12". The Storm Shadow is cool analogy doesn't really work since all the Joes have been expensive. As far as Vader, he is more complicated than any of the Joes with a new massive body. Vader definitely has more perceived value than any of the Joes. Glad Storm Shadow turned out ok, but I hope the price doesn't kill off the interest.
I do have to say that the last two releases have been the best in the line. So far I think Cobra Commander is the weakest of the bunch. Maybe the Cobra Soldier tayloring will be better in the production version. Even if it isn't better, he still is a very good version of the character. The next weakest design with have to be Snake Eyes. Even if you strip off all of his gear, he still isn't that close to the version 2 design (eventhough from the waist up he looks great except for the skinny body). Commando Snake Eyes would have been easier to do and look like his classic counterpart. Next would be Cobra Trooper. The best in the line IMHO is Storm Shadow. Not quite the classic design but I think he is a great update. I wish the boots looked better but hey you can't be perfect.

I think if Cobra Commander would have been true to his early look instead of that crap Bradstreet, he would be tops. That Cobra symbol on the mask doesn't look good at all.
I think if Cobra Commander would have been true to his early look instead of that crap Bradstreet, he would be tops. That Cobra symbol on the mask doesn't look good at all.

I would say that Cobra Commander would be comparable to Darth but it's just not the RAH Cobra Commander so I couldn't make that justification LOL :D
I would say that Cobra Commander would be comparable to Darth but it's just not the RAH Cobra Commander so I couldn't make that justification LOL :D

I wonder why Sideshow went with the Devils Due/Bradstreet designs? It isn't like that they were that great. Give me the Classic Cobra Commander any day.:lol
I think in 3 3/4" the dome cobra commander looks ok, but as a doll I think it would look sorta absurd. The hood has a better reality/fantasy mix without looking totally cheesy like the dome would. That said, I'm not completely sold on the trench coat, but I suppose it makes sense he'd wear it when out on a mission or something. But I always imagine him more behind the scenes in his hideout.
I think in 3 3/4" the dome cobra commander looks ok, but as a doll I think it would look sorta absurd. The hood has a better reality/fantasy mix without looking totally cheesy like the dome would. That said, I'm not completely sold on the trench coat, but I suppose it makes sense he'd wear it when out on a mission or something. But I always imagine him more behind the scenes in his hideout.

I beg to differ. First, it would translate very well if done right, as a sculpted head and not anything removable (like the Clone Troopers). The only hard part would've been figuring out how to do the mounted pistol on his back. And I think given Sideshow's attention to detail (at least for the prototypes), it would be great and no more cheesy than a ninja commando wearing a visor that looks like the elbow piece from a suit of armor over his eyes. :huh

As for the leather trench coat, I didn't like that in the Bradstreet comic at all and thought it was kinda Eurotrashy. It made CC look more like a drug dealer or sleazy pimp than the leader of a world dominating militia.
I just think the silver face plate is too blank to make an interesting figure in a larger scale toy. He would end up looking like a space man with a big bubble on his head rather than a terrorist. The way I would redesign it, it would have facial features instead of a blank dome or something closer to Russell Crow's Gladiator helmet, but then it would look too much like Destro anyway.

Giving both is a nice idea, but if we only got one, I like the one they picked.
Keep it legit... don't f' with what ain't broken I say.

Give CC a dome and visor and the masses will be appeased.
facial features??? Now your getting into some new GIJoe movie crap there.
:lol I know. IMO, sure the dome would be true to the comics and original toy, but would look stupid as hell on a doll. I bet it would look real stupid on a real person too.
I just think the silver face plate is too blank to make an interesting figure in a larger scale toy. He would end up looking like a space man with a big bubble on his head rather than a terrorist. The way I would redesign it, it would have facial features instead of a blank dome or something closer to Russell Crow's Gladiator helmet, but then it would look too much like Destro anyway.

Giving both is a nice idea, but if we only got one, I like the one they picked.

Silver face plate? So it can stick to just about anything it touches, including the box?! :huh For shame! :lol I'd like them to chrome out a face plate for the helmet and give us the ultimate version (like Hasbro did - finally). You want a sculpted face for the helmet, wait for the Battle Suit CC (or rock the scrotal facehugger version from the movie). Part of what makes CC so disturbingly ominous is the fact that you can't see his face in that helmet. Kinda like Michael Meyers in a way.
I just think the silver face plate is too blank to make an interesting figure in a larger scale toy. He would end up looking like a space man with a big bubble on his head rather than a terrorist. The way I would redesign it, it would have facial features instead of a blank dome or something closer to Russell Crow's Gladiator helmet, but then it would look too much like Destro anyway.

Giving both is a nice idea, but if we only got one, I like the one they picked.

boy am i glad you aren't involved in designing it.... that's a terrible idea...

the blank silvered face plate is far more realistic than sculpted features... haven't you ever seen a motorcycle helmet????
boy am i glad you aren't involved in designing it.... that's a terrible idea...

the blank silvered face plate is far more realistic than sculpted features... haven't you ever seen a motorcycle helmet????

Thanks for the kind words.....:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

Yes I've seen a motorcycle helmet and if someone walked around their whole day with a blue helmet with a silver faceshield, that would look silly to me and not ominous at all. Different opinions. I like the hood. You like the dome. Maybe you can find a 1/6th motorcycle helmet if that solve the problem.

If someone can show me a decent custom, I might like it better, but I just don't see the design translating to 1/6th scale well. :huh
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Thanks for the kind words.....:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

Yes I've seen a motorcycle helmet and if someone walked around their whole day with a blue helmet with a silver faceshield, that would look silly to me and not ominous at all. Different opinions. I like the hood. You like the dome. Maybe you can find a 1/6th motorcycle helmet if that solve the problem.

If someone can show me a decent custom, I might like it better, but I just don't see the design translating to 1/6th scale well. :huh

personally i prefer the hood as well... but we should have the option of both...

and no people don't wear a helmet all day... unless they are in a situation where they need one...

CC's helmet served several purposes... one was protection...

soldiers wear helmets.

the second was to protect his identity.... his helmet was rigged to explode if anyone other than him tried to remove it...

the hood was for general walking around the headquarters situations but other situations required the helmet.
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