Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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This would be a great companion piece to Snake Eyes but $119.99 feels too high for me right now.
The figure itself looks okay but the accessories would really have to blow me away to make me order it at that price.
nah only the joes fans with a big wallet will be buying....other joe sites forums are complaining its too pricey! 1000 to go around will be plenty for us

Sweet deal, the more for us son! :rock :rock :rock

and I'm a BIG 3 3/4 fan, I don't get why they wouldn't be psyched over at RAH!!!
Seeing as CC and CT were only $100 I think SS will come with a lot of niffy accessories. If not, then yes, he is seriously over priced.

But I wonder, perhaps the $120 price tag is for the exclusive only and he will come with something a bit larger like the Indy exclusives. Obviously not something huge and polystone, but a nicely sized bonus item. Remember, Bespin Han with the Mynock was $5 more than the regular and at that time exclusives were usually freebies.

Plus, you got to remember most Joe fans are used to paying $7 for a 3 3/4"figure, $15-20 for a 12" one. They are a different breed of collector. A lower class if you will (no offense ment though, heck, I still collect the smaller Joes and other mass produced lines). These really are higher class items. They aren't cheap by any means. But usually worth it.
Seeing as CC and CT were only $100 I think SS will come with a lot of niffy accessories. If not, then yes, he is seriously over priced.

But I wonder, perhaps the $120 price tag is for the exclusive only and he will come with something a bit larger like the Indy exclusives. Obviously not something huge and polystone, but a nicely sized bonus item. Remember, Bespin Han with the Mynock was $5 more than the regular and at that time exclusives were usually freebies.

Any guesses? COBRA themed sword stand a la Sigma Six?
and I'm a BIG 3 3/4 fan, I don't get why they wouldn't be psyched over at RAH!!!

Well the price was the biggest hurdle. 3 3/4 inch collecting was very addictive since they were cheap, small, found locally, and are churned out monthly.
Also some people have trouble seeing something with clothing to be anything other than a girly doll...which I think is sort of understandable but weird.

But 3 3/4 have become too expensive for me ($7 for a 4 inch figure? What?), when I began collecting they were $5. That extra $2 began to add up quickly monthly. It's ironic but 12 inch figures seem to be cheaper than 3 3/4 in the big picture if I budget.

Any guesses? COBRA themed sword stand a la Sigma Six?

I'd hope the sword stand would be included but it would be a good exclusive since it isn't really "essential". But maybe an unmasked "Tommy" head like the old mail away figure?
]SO, next question. Am i the only one who feels the Trenchcoat is all wrong for the commander? I'm planning on making him a cape.

I made a joke about it in the CC thread about Blade calling to get his jacket back. It looks gay and out of place. Especially on Cobra Commander.

Seeing as CC and CT were only $100 I think SS will come with a lot of niffy accessories. If not, then yes, he is seriously over priced.

But I wonder, perhaps the $120 price tag is for the exclusive only and he will come with something a bit larger like the Indy exclusives. Obviously not something huge and polystone, but a nicely sized bonus item. Remember, Bespin Han with the Mynock was $5 more than the regular and at that time exclusives were usually freebies.

It's probably an unmasked headsculpt, or a bunch of weapons, hands and 2 sets of feet like Snake Eyes. Either that or they're trying to press their luck with a price hike.
I made a joke about it in the CC thread about Blade calling to get his jacket back. It looks gay and out of place. Especially on Cobra Commander.

It's probably an unmasked headsculpt, or a bunch of weapons, hands and 2 sets of feet like Snake Eyes. Either that or they're trying to press their luck with a price hike.

So far these figures have been pretty well geared out. A nice compound bow would be nice.
Its interesting that so far every preview has been of a figure from a different year.

Visor/Sword Snake Eyes: 1985
Hooded Cobra Commander: 1983 (Mail away)
Cobra Trooper: 1982
Storm Shadow: 1984

Maybe the next figure will be Beach Head or Hawk v2 to represent 1986.
Cobra Commander is not 83. He is clearly the Bradstreet version. The only thing that is the same is his name and the fact he is wearing a hood.

Snake Eyes is also based on Bradstreet but can be striped down to a more classic version.

Cobra Trooper and Storm Shadow are pretty much their classic looks with some realistic upgrades here and there.
Cobra Commander is not 83. He is clearly the Bradstreet version. The only thing that is the same is his name and the fact he is wearing a hood.

Snake Eyes is also based on Bradstreet but can be striped down to a more classic version.

Both CC and SE can be stripped down to be very close to their vintage counterparts. Get rid of CC's coat and all of his accessories except the laser pistol and you've basically got 1983 with a larger symbol on the mask.
Well, the outfit and gloves and boots of Cobra Commander are still very off from his classic look. But I did say Snake Eyes could still be close enough to pass as classic. Cobra Commander is the farthest one away from his classic design, but I do like it. Would I take a classic one? In a heart beat! It would give us an excuse to get the face plate mask. Maybe the cloth one with correct symbol as the exclusive?
Glad we got Storm Shadow coming now, These figures just keep getting better.
I do have to say that the last two releases have been the best in the line. So far I think Cobra Commander is the weakest of the bunch. Maybe the Cobra Soldier tayloring will be better in the production version. Even if it isn't better, he still is a very good version of the character. The next weakest design with have to be Snake Eyes. Even if you strip off all of his gear, he still isn't that close to the version 2 design (eventhough from the waist up he looks great except for the skinny body). Commando Snake Eyes would have been easier to do and look like his classic counterpart. Next would be Cobra Trooper. The best in the line IMHO is Storm Shadow. Not quite the classic design but I think he is a great update. I wish the boots looked better but hey you can't be perfect.
I do have to say that the last two releases have been the best in the line. So far I think Cobra Commander is the weakest of the bunch. Maybe the Cobra Soldier tayloring will be better in the production version. Even if it isn't better, he still is a very good version of the character. The next weakest design with have to be Snake Eyes. Even if you strip off all of his gear, he still isn't that close to the version 2 design (eventhough from the waist up he looks great except for the skinny body). Commando Snake Eyes would have been easier to do and look like his classic counterpart. Next would be Cobra Trooper. The best in the line IMHO is Storm Shadow. Not quite the classic design but I think he is a great update. I wish the boots looked better but hey you can't be perfect.

I agree 100%. I've cut back my collectable spending in half and can't get all the Joes/Cobras. So I cancelled CC and SE, because I only want the best figs.... those didn't cut it for me. :angelsmil

I hope down the line the also make the Camo-StormShadow :rock
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