Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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There are probably a number of people (myself included) who aren't 100% sure about something, but figure it is better to be safe than sorry and pre-order even if there is a fair chance that an order will be cancelled (that way, you can wait for more information, early reviews, account for future changes of heart, etc.). Conversely, sometimes pre-orders pop up when people have money, and that money gets spent before the order actually comes in, and they have to cancel

Which is what I am hoping for :naughty
That is weak. Ignite gave us ... working scabbards.

So did Hasbro...25 years ago on a $3.50 figure.

I don't think the speed at which he sells means anything for the life of the line. How many they sell total does.
The REAL Stormshadow :lol

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The REAL Stormshadow :lol

That dude kicked so much @$$!
Man, he's really good! :rotfl

I loved the little Bruce Lee nose flick
at the end! :D

Anybody think he could take on our Emo Stormie? :rolleyes:
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i believe he comes with Fake swords for the sheathes like legolas did.

That is weak. Ignite gave us metal blades and working scabbards.

No, they are working ones:

Long sword with scabbard
Short sword with scabbard

But when you look at

it looks like a little like the original hasbro figure with subtle changes

As long as they are working is all I can. Also would like to know if the pack can be flipped so it looks like the 84 figure.
I don't think the speed at which he sells means anything for the life of the line. How many they sell total does.

Very true, if they cost to sell 3000 total units at 120$ ish a pop, and they all sell by the time they ship we should be ok, its when we start to see the lingering we could be in trouble.

But I think, SS did the proper R&D on this and know how many units they can make and turn a substantial proift, hence the 120 cost
Just barely got my order in today, hopefully I'll be able to afford it when he ships. :D
But it looks like I may have to cancel Snake Eyes. :(
Say it's not true, cancellation of SE.... :monkey2 How come, u r GI JOE, through and through with the 25th anni...

It's the F%$#n' EP. 2 Obi-Wan that's suddenly coming in 12 days. I barely have enough money for him so I doubt I could've afforded Snake Eyes anyways.
I do plan on buying Snake, just it'll have to wait a little while longer (sooner if the Ki-Adi Mundi I won in a Sideshow contest gets here so I can turn it around and sell it ;) ).

The 25th figures have unfortunately fallen to the way side. I just don't have enough time to hunt them down or money. I have none of series 10, 12, or 13, and only have two Cobra Eels from series 11. Hopefully in a couple months I can double back and pick most of the rest up. :(

I can't get over how fantastic SS looks. Grand slam homerun.

Bumping for awesomeness. Visor'd Snake Eyes has always been my favorite Joe/figure but going by just the SSC offerings I'd have to give the edge to Storm Shadow based on the pics we have of each figure so far. The flared shoulders and baggier clothes do well to hide the shortcomings of the Pro. Awesome figure all around.

I just love how this guy's face looks like it has been beaten and battered more times then Rocky Balboa. :rock
Though I would've liked to have seen some Cauliflower ears.
It's the F%$#n' EP. 2 Obi-Wan that's suddenly coming in 12 days. I barely have enough money for him so I doubt I could've afforded Snake Eyes anyways.
I do plan on buying Snake, just it'll have to wait a little while longer (sooner if the Ki-Adi Mundi I won in a Sideshow contest gets here so I can turn it around and sell it ;) ).

The 25th figures have unfortunately fallen to the way side. I just don't have enough time to hunt them down or money. I have none of series 10, 12, or 13, and only have two Cobra Eels from series 11. Hopefully in a couple months I can double back and pick most of the rest up. :(

Why dont you just dont dump SW in favor of Joe.
I can't wait to blow mine up with firecrackers like when I was a kid.
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