Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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Its a comic where Duke is reviling who Storm Shadow is: Steven Segal. :cuss
You better hope Segal isn't a board member. He would engage in some serious wrist-breakage if he saw anyone comparing him to a cartoon character. He does seem to think of himself as part Japanese, though.
You better hope Segal isn't a board member. He would engage in some serious wrist-breakage if he saw anyone comparing him to a cartoon character. He does seem to think of himself as part Japanese, though.

He did take over an Aikido dojo in Japan after marrying the daughter of his Sensei. Something unheard of for an American to do at that time. So he's extremely well versed in the culture. Although, presently, I'm betting he could be bribed off with a giftcard or two to Hometown Buffet. :p
Okay, it's official! Storm Shadow has lured me back into the line. Picked up a Snake Eyes from Monkey Depot, and I'm ready...
looks are the swords from the sheath removable? or is Sideshow gonna go cheap like the LOTR Legolas
In the SE proto pics, they showed both sheathed and loose swords but as far as I know he only comes with one sword. I think the sheaths/scabbards are functional.
Hopefully we'll see Stormy by September. Snakes is gonna look awfully lonely on my shelves now that I'm anticipating the arrival of his Sword Brother!
Why dont you just dont dump SW in favor of Joe.
With the exception of Vader and the Stormies, I'll cancel just about anything to get the excl. Cobra Commander and Excl. Storm Shadow.
But Excl. Snake Eyes I can let go of, I'll pick up the regular later if I have to.

But I think there's enough room for both licenses right now. :D
screamingmetal, if you want to sell your exclusive Snake Eyes, please let me know. :D
Sideshow Storm Shadow

Is anyone gonna be getting Sideshow Storm Shadow?
I think he looks pretty cool.
I might have to get this guy.
His clothes do look a little baggy in some pics on the web site,
Re: Sideshow Storm Shadow

I am almost positive there is already a thread somewhere discussing this figure.
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