Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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By which I mean, the Storm Shadow pics, not the Norris one!

(Sorry, edit doesn't work for me at work, for some reason.)
it's a question of perspective. his arms are farther away from the "camera" in the picture ( the comic book cover, not the statue) and after checking in phooshop, his arms are only slighly smaller from the front to the back than his head is tall. if we could ACTUALY measure them, we would find the head tallness, and the arm wisdth to be close to the same. this should NOT be the case. it's BAD art.

I soppose you could argue he's drawn in the Rob Liefield style, but still...

Other Examples of bad anatomy follow


another arms big or bigger than head

Well I understand your point but wont say its bad art.. just not to my taste. However it is a cartoon character and not a photographic portrait of someone who actually exsists. Thus we can ALL visualize different interpetations of the character. I for one love the more athletic/built comic version of Storm shadow with bare arms.

I posted the image again cuz someone said they were debating the "sleeves/no sleeves" look and was leaning towards no sleeves. I imagine he may felt that way based on seeing storm shadow in the comics and cartoon as more muscular (as I do) and not as a standard typical ninja. I just thought I'd give them more to consider by exposing the pro's unmusclar arms may or may not present a undesired look is all.
Storm Shadow is surely pretty muscular, but I bet in real life it would the arms of a gymnast (which is very very muscular) but not all veiny and roided out like they make in the comics.

Like this:

Storm Shadow is surely pretty muscular, but I bet in real life it would the arms of a gymnast (which is very very muscular) but not all veiny and roided out like they make in the comics.

Like this:


With this post, and Picture, I'll agree.

As much as I'm lothe to do it, I'll say that this is fairly accurate to the idea of the character.
Prog - thanks for that pic and post, I can agree.:D

Lerath - I do feel you what you mean and Im lotheing with you but I can't admit it you're right, because that actor looks so none manly:lol. I don't want my Storm shadow rocking girly bangs:rotfl
If the arrows are like they were on Legolas, then they are all separate pieces, and wouldn't be able to spread out anyway. I assume that they are, otherwise, he couldn't use them.

It would be cool if the quiver was a bit more full though. There is a lot of space in there.

thats what I mean...I am thinking another 5-8 more arrows would do the trick
Just posting to help move this page away from that awful Liefeld picture. Whenever I see an update to the thread, I click, and BAM!, I feel like I'm going to lose my lunch.
Prog - thanks for that pic and post, I can agree.:D

Lerath - I do feel you what you mean and Im lotheing with you but I can't admit it you're right, because that actor looks so none manly:lol. I don't want my Storm shadow rocking girly bangs:rotfl

Better, consierably more manly comparison:


As in the pic above, Storm Shadow doesn't need to have arms like Van Dam to kick major ass and take names. ;)
Don't know why i did not think of Bruce le. But exactly. Stormshoadow is usualy depicted with Dense muscle mass, which is usualy considered an asian Genetic trait as well.
All I hope is that the shirt or sleeves are easily removable on the Storm Shadow figure. I've got a muscle body waiting to swap out for him. Also, I know there are arm skins being sold in the custom section that could be used for him too.
All I hope is that the shirt or sleeves are easily removable on the Storm Shadow figure. I've got a muscle body waiting to swap out for him. Also, I know there are arm skins being sold in the custom section that could be used for him too.

Sam, can you give me a link to the muscle body you are going to use, I was thinking of doin the same thing?
Just wait untill hot toys puts out their chris redfield figure, I'm sure there will be plenty of muscle bodies on the market then
Sam, can you give me a link to the muscle body you are going to use, I was thinking of doin the same thing?

I was actually going to use the Rocky III Rocky body. I also have a Predator Billy body which could work, but I thought the Rock body would be better because he has more of an Asian colored skin tone. Here's some pics of the bodies:


You can find the Billy bodies available on EBay or some of the loose part sites at times.
Just wait untill hot toys puts out their chris redfield figure, I'm sure there will be plenty of muscle bodies on the market then
The Redfield body would probably be too big. It's the same one they used for the Arnold Schwarzenegger body.
guarantee you people will be using it regardless though.

Actually I already have 2 of the Arnold bodies I bought loose. I wouldn't use them for anything but a really beefy guy. I was thinking of using them for a Terminator custom and possibly Conan. The boxing bodies are buff enough for a strong muscular build, any more would be just too much for a standard Joe figure. The big body could probably work for a figure like Gung-Ho.
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