Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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I just jumped on the Wait List for the exclusive today. :( Quite the long shot, but I'm really digging what I saw of this line at the Con.



Great shots Josh! And if there are any doubters (I was at first) Storm Shadow looked kick ass in person. Now is the question to go sleeves or no sleeves (OG style)? I am thinkin' no sleeves. :rock
Wish the sword/arrow pack had more seperation of the would look much cooler...the arrows are all grouped together leaving a huge empty gap
Great shots Josh! And if there are any doubters (I was at first) Storm Shadow looked kick ass in person. Now is the question to go sleeves or no sleeves (OG style)? I am thinkin' no sleeves. :rock

Thank you! He looked very solid indeed. I'm going with sleeves since I prefer that look.
Wish the sword/arrow pack had more seperation of the would look much cooler...the arrows are all grouped together leaving a huge empty gap

Real arrows would be bunched together like it.
If the arrows are like they were on Legolas, then they are all separate pieces, and wouldn't be able to spread out anyway. I assume that they are, otherwise, he couldn't use them.

It would be cool if the quiver was a bit more full though. There is a lot of space in there.
Originally Posted by Deak Starkiller
Great shots Josh! And if there are any doubters (I was at first) Storm Shadow looked kick ass in person. Now is the question to go sleeves or no sleeves (OG style)? I am thinkin' no sleeves.

If you keep him on te pro.... Sleeves. The real question tho is.. body Swap? or no body swap? Cuz in I'd say this pic.. matters quite well:joy

Not all ninjas, just Storm Shadow :D

Originally Posted by Deak Starkiller
Great shots Josh! And if there are any doubters (I was at first) Storm Shadow looked kick ass in person. Now is the question to go sleeves or no sleeves (OG style)? I am thinkin' no sleeves.

If you keep him on te pro.... Sleeves. The real question tho is.. body Swap? or no body swap? Cuz in I'd say this pic.. matters quite well:joy

Well, I think the Pro will work fine for me but I can understand why people would make the switch. Also thanks for posting that...what did EvilFace call it, "fan fic" picture from Devil's Due. :rotfl
I jumped onto the wait list for this one about two months ago, but seeing how it turned out and how people are raving about it, i'm not sure this will be a case where I have much of a shot. I'll wait a bit and see what happens though, if not there are always other dealers that may carry it :(
I jumped onto the wait list for this one about two months ago, but seeing how it turned out and how people are raving about it, i'm not sure this will be a case where I have much of a shot. I'll wait a bit and see what happens though, if not there are always other dealers that may carry it :(

There are always guys who jump on every preorder, but when the time comes to pay, have to choose what, if any, they can actually afford to buy.

That's my hope anyway. Should have jumped on it sooner, but the wait list hasn't failed me yet... If this is the first case where it does, I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and get it at an inflated price. I've been lucky so far, can't have my way every time I guess!
I'd like to point out that in those pics people keep posting, his upper arms are roughly the same size as his head, and they are farther away from the point of view than his head, making them actualy BIGGER than his head, much like this picture.


a swap might be a good idea, But I'd suggest swapping him to the same body that Duke will be coming on, the Pro 1.2
Okay the actual statue on the left is an image of a 3D object which does NOT look like your exaggerated pic, and is inspired from the same image. Do what you wish.... but Im not a fan of the pro in any form. As far as combatiablity with hands and feet and such there are other options.:naughty
lerath, I don't know what you're smoking, but those arms do not look bigger than his head in those pics. :rolleyes:
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