Freaked Out
Thank you guys, I really appreciate your advice.

I think this is an exceptionally well done statue and I was really thinking about getting it but I had already ordered the COMIC PF and have far too many other pre-orders waiting so I had to pass. I may still get this in the future since I think it would be cool to have this one, the comic one, and the Reeve one displayed together.
Don't worry too much about what negativity some other people say about certain pieces and be sure to make your own decisions based upon your own feelings. Personally, I love reading other's opinions about statues that I've either pre-ordered or am thinking about getting because many times they make very valid points. I have, on two occasions early on made the mistake of changing my mind on a piece because of insane naysaying in one of the forums. In both cases the statues eventually sold out and I saw after-the-fact that my original feelings were correct. Being new to statue collecting, I was blindly trusting the opinions of others, since they were more experienced, instead of listening to myself.
If you love it, get it and you will thank yourself every time you walk into the room and see it there. If it feels right, it is right.![]()
Did everyone here get the memo that sideshow have listed more pics of this on their website?
Won't help it move more statues
I went to the link and didn't notice any new pics
They all looked the same![]()
Still no ES
Is this a record? What, 3...4 months![]()
Don't we like this then? Its a definite purchase for me![]()
I think they changed the backgrounds on the pics
Still no ES
Is this a record? What, 3...4 months![]()
I think it's the wasn't fluttering out behind him before, was it?
I think they changed the backgrounds on the pics
Yeah, they posed the cape differently in these new pics.
It's clear not many people want this. Myself included. Love the comic PF but MOS is awful IMO.
I had this PO'd, but ultimately decided to go with the 1/6 hot toys figure and cancel the PF. It's a nice piece, but the comic PF just blows this out of the water.
Looks like they fixed the color of the cuffs and the trim lines to a proper darker blue and made the 'S' shield a more accurate color as well. Maybe changed the 'belt' too?