Sideshow Vampirella Comiquette

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I'm on the EX waitlist and hope it will convert, but this amazing statue sold out so fast and I wanted to make sure I got one that I bought one from alteregocomics for 277.98 (including shipping). Sucks that it's only the regular but at least I'll have Vampirella in my collection for a reasonable price rather than buying from the secondary market.:yess:
I'm on the EX waitlist and hope it will convert, but this amazing statue sold out so fast and I wanted to make sure I got one that I bought one from alteregocomics for 277.98 (including shipping). Sucks that it's only the regular but at least I'll have Vampirella in my collection for a reasonable price rather than buying from the secondary market.:yess:

Ditto. I pre-ordered her from Alter Ego for $266.98 shipped. Still not sure if I'll keep my EX Waitlist order at SSC.
Ditto. I pre-ordered her from Alter Ego for $266.98 shipped. Still not sure if I'll keep my EX Waitlist order at SSC.
Why not? The EX is sweet as hell on this piece and not that much more that what you're paying for the reg. The rarity with the 350 ES don't hurt a bit either. Now if only your waitlist converts do you really have to make a decision. I think there will be a few, but not that many.
Why not? The EX is sweet as hell on this piece and not that much more that what you're paying for the reg. The rarity with the 350 ES don't hurt a bit either. Now if only your waitlist converts do you really have to make a decision. I think there will be a few, but not that many.

I agree, what you get with the EX is pretty nice and the price difference isn't that substantial. It's the cancellation fee I would have to eat at Alter Ego if my waitlist converts I don't like.
I agree, what you get with the EX is pretty nice and the price difference isn't that substantial. It's the cancellation fee I would have to eat at Alter Ego if my waitlist converts I don't like.
Yeah, I can dig that. I just ate one for dinner the other day. Not too dang yummy, I can say that. They actually hurt pretty bad going down. :(
The way I plan on handling it is if my EX waitlist converts I'll just look to sell the regular to a fellow freak as I'm def more interested in the EX for this statue...that said if I only get the regular I'm also happy with that.
Elite orgasming vampiress head or GTFO. :lecture

I agree in that the EX head is the one to have...but if you were late to the game in terms of picking one up...well then better get the smoking Vampirella in your collection however you can get her. Fingers crossed for the EX converting though :pray:
I am glad you preordered it fborecki, you will not be disappointed in either one.

Thanks grphyx1 and to think I almost miseed out :panic: Luckily it seems I got in just in time through alterego comics as it's now not available through that site. :thud:

SO SO happy with this sculpt and I totally hope my EX converts cause I will display them both in opposite sides of the room for total domination of my collection :yess:

Congrats to you picking her up aswell.:hi5: