Sideshow Vampirella Comiquette

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So glad the booty is awesome and didn't get flattened out in a factory. It looks nice. :rock

(Not my pic)

She turned out great!

And that booty... In the words of Ron Burgundy, "I don't normally do this, but I felt compelled to tell you something. You have an absolutely breath-taking... heiney. I mean, that thing's good. I wanna be friends with it."
She is a mighty fine example of how a perfect T&A statue should be. These are far from the best pics I've ever taken, and I ain't too happy with them, but I will try harder when my EX arrives next week. The bats are made of a nice soft material so as to avoid breakage. I thought they may do this. It will also keep them from breaking and scratching other pieces that are close while positioning her for display.







Nice pics Barb!

Great pics Barb. :clap

Cant wait for mine.
Thanks, boys! I think they suck, but as long as you guys dig 'em, I reckon it wasn't a complete waste of time. :)
I promise to do better with the EX. I took these really fast because I am busy with work. I didn't take much time to set up the lighting. Oh, well. Moving on!
She does look stellar, unfortunately I have to move mine on, in favor of the Premium Format. Hope I don't regret that.

Shameless plug: Mine has been the only one on eBay for the past week. I thought there would be more. Ends Sunday, so anybody who needs an exclusive, hit me up...
The pics look awesome. My Vampi Ex. will be here on Monday. I hope the paint apps on the ex. portrait are as good as the regular.:pray:
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My EX arrives next Wed.

Sideshow did a good job on her!

Waiting anxiously to see her in person.
I've got a big week coming up.

Monday: Rogue Ex (meh :monkey1)

Wednesday: Spooktacular Kit (Mort plushie, Yay! :dance)

Thursday: Vampirella Ex (Yummy sexiness :drool)