I'd love my Sideshow 12" Vader as well.
But in the interest of cutting SSC some slack, take a glance around these message boards. With very few exceptions (like 12" Old Ben), someone finds SOMETHING to complain about with every single thing SSC puts out.
If its not a figure quaility issue, then it's a cost issue.
If it's not a cost issue, then it's a scheduling issue.
If it's not a scheduling issue, it's something about the exclusive.
MAYBE, SSC is working on a Vader as we speak. Perhaps they are listening to all the comments on these boards, and trying to make the best Vader possible, so that no one will complain. This takes time, along with a lot of trial and error.
The production pipeline for these figures is not identical. The time it takes to put a Jedi like Kit Fisto through production doesn't reflect the time it takes to make a Stormtrooper or Darth Vader.
Darth Vader requires TIME. Every inch of him has to be fabricated from SCRATCH. And when you have a protoype that works, then you have to ship it off to China, and wait while the factory produces a production model. That takes time. If anything on the production model is wrong, then you have to make changes with a factory that is a world away.
A couple other factors to consider is licensor approval. You have to go through every step with Lucasfilm's approval. I can say with conviction that licensors NEVER get back to you the next day with an answer. You sometimes wait a few weeks to hear back from them. You can't rush them, they own the license, and you can't argue with them. If the licensor says "Change this", you have to change it, no matter what they want. And that adds weeks to the process.
Now, multiply THAT by the number of different companies SSC works with, and the number of different products they are releasing.
If you wonder why we haven't had a Darth Vader, since SSC has had the SW license for over 2 years now, please consider the fact that they have never made a figure like Darth Vader. Every new endeavor requires a learning curve. It's possible that SSC is trying to get their SW figure pipeline whipped into shape so that the eventual Vader will be the best Vader anyone could imagine. No one can argu that the Bespin Luke and the ANH Old Ben are better figures than, say, the Bespin Han. The SSC SW 12" team is getting better and better. Would you rather have the Vader, or the ANH Luke or the Boba Fett be the first figures out, with lots of little quality issues, and then at the end all the chump characters like Kit Fisto are amazing collectibles benefitting from years of experience?
I only say all this becuase I know the SSC guys. They are working their ***** off, trying to get quality goods to market, and the licensors and the overseas factories are sometimes obstacles, not assets, in that process. It's tough to be working really hard on something and to have your customers say stuff like "That's not what I wanted, I want THIS other thing first, damn, guys you are really dropping the ball." Who likes to hear a disgruntled consumer say "way to screw up" after a double shift, a day-long flight back from China to correct quality control issues, and a 3-hour shouting match with a licensor about how such-and-such's hair WAS a particular color.
I direct this at no on in particular. I just wnat everyone to realize that their favorite characters are coming, it just takes time.