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man, these are some good answers and gives me a broader view and understanding of the bible - thank you for that :)

I apologise for going all over the place here, but what is your view of heaven? I tend to think about this sort of stuff allot, and the idea of heaven kinda scares me. I mean sure, everything you could ever want for the first 500 years would be pretty awesome, but what after that? an eternity of the same thing? that is a long time.
man, these are some good answers and gives me a broader view and understanding of the bible - thank you for that :)

I apologise for going all over the place here, but what is your view of heaven? I tend to think about this sort of stuff allot, and the idea of heaven kinda scares me. I mean sure, everything you could ever want for the first 500 years would be pretty awesome, but what after that? an eternity of the same thing? that is a long time.

Thing is 'everything you could ever want' in and of itself is the problem right? I mean, our base instincts... what we have tendancies to do (desire and covet Women for example) is that going to be OK in Heaven? I've always had an issue with that thinking. Seems strange to think we could live a life of celibacy or monogamy in marriage on earth and then go to heaven a be with countless beautiful women ('cuz thats probably what i would want---for the first two hundred years or so! ;)). It's weird.
man, these are some good answers and gives me a broader view and understanding of the bible - thank you for that :)

I apologise for going all over the place here, but what is your view of heaven? I tend to think about this sort of stuff allot, and the idea of heaven kinda scares me. I mean sure, everything you could ever want for the first 500 years would be pretty awesome, but what after that? an eternity of the same thing? that is a long time.

To answer both yours and Wake's question together all I can do is let the Bible answer for you.

When Jesus was questioned about a woman who's husband died without children who then married his brother in the hopes of carrying on the former husbands name (a cultural custom of the time), the question became, "when she gets to Heaven, who's wife will she be?" Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection (or next life) people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." Matthew 22:29,30

Muslims believe they are promissed 70 virgins when they get to Heaven, but because Jesus says there is no need of marriage in Heaven, it stands to reason that there is no need for procreation either, and therefor no sex. Many of the earthly appetites we are slave to in these bodies will probably be absent in our glorified forms. You might say, "what? no sex!?". But there will be no pain or other physical limits either. We're going to Heaven, not earth phase 2.
The Apostle Paul was given a vision of Heaven only to end up saying that it would be an injustice to try to use words to describe it. If the existence we call reality is something that God made as the Bible claims, and God is both within and outside of His creation, then it stands to reason that there is no humanly possible way to even conceive of something that is not bound by our physical laws of reality. It is simply something unlike anything we've yet known. That excites me.

Paul says that being absent from our earthly bodies is to be present with the Lord. We will have glorified bodies that can enjoy food and drink as Jesus did after His resurrection, but that are not bound by physical laws anymore, such as when Jesus entered the room where the disciples were hiding without using the door. He simply appeared, but he appeared in a physical manifestation that Thomas could touch. And later he ate again with his disciples on the shore where they were fishing. "Does a heavenly body have to ****?" Who knows. It will probably function so perfectly that it will not produce waste. Or it may be that the body does not need food. It's just there for pleasure's sake.
Heaven will be a paradise so far beyond the limits of this world that it's pointless to even ponder it with our finite imaginations. No matter how you think Heaven should be, your idea is probably pathetic compared to what it really is. And I personally believe that this life and all the good and bad that it is is merely a proving ground to see who will have faith in God, unlike Lucifer who was formerly the highest of the angels, and unlike Adam who was the first man given a choice to trust or choose his own way. The Bible is full of stories, but never stories about men who did great things by their own will. It's always about God doing great things in impossible circumstances for those who had faith that He could. The so-called "heroes" of the Bible were all murderers, cheats, liars, adulterers, cowards, etc., but they had one thing in common at some point in their lives - FAITH in their God to provide for and protect them. And God honors faith.

A third of the angels rejected God and followed Lucifer, and their ultimate destination is Hell. Any person that goes to Hell is actually tresspassing there by their free will choice to reject their Creator, because they WOULD NOT believe. Christianity is an amazing thing. Seeing is not believing. The Jews saw all of Jesus' miracles and still refused to believe. For us, believing leads to seeing.

Faith opens your eyes to see the Hand of God in your life. I see it all the time when things I pray for happen. Things I worried about take care of themselves miraculously when I know God is more capable than I to deal with it. I see people's whole nature change when they accept Christ. There is nothing you can ever say or show me to cause me to doubt anymore. I've seen God work too many times because by faith He opened my eyes. My faith has nothing to do with Sunday school lessons or church sermons. Those give me knowledge and understanding, but experience has taught me faith.
The civility, honest curiosity, and absence of being threatened that's been present here the past couple of days is a rare thing to find on the internet, and a tribute to Nathan's openness, and the open-mindedness of a bunch of guys who like gory action figures. Who'd've thunk it?

sure is, great stuff - as I said before - the bible (and at it's core faith) can be a beautiful thing, and it radiates from you my man!

That makes allot of sense, (regarding heaven), I know a few people that have reached a state of Nirvana through meditation and describe it as coming home, like the most amazing feeling - and that they never wanted to come back. (I have only glimpsed one of the deeper realms before - but boy was it beautiful!)

Also want to point out that it is possible to have sex without a body/with your soul/energy body/whatever (I speak from experience :)!!)
It's funny you say that about prayer creating real life changes, I find the same thing with ceremonial magic, though more essentially chaos magic also has real world effects and strengthens my belief in the paranormal. I believe all this is the same thing though, we just call it different names.

Anyway, thanks again for sharing mate - it really has opened my eyes a little more.

Projection night tonight for me - gonna try and talk to my dad again :)
sure is, great stuff - as I said before - the bible (and at it's core faith) can be a beautiful thing, and it radiates from you my man!

That makes allot of sense, (regarding heaven), I know a few people that have reached a state of Nirvana through meditation and describe it as coming home, like the most amazing feeling - and that they never wanted to come back. (I have only glimpsed one of the deeper realms before - but boy was it beautiful!)

Also want to point out that it is possible to have sex without a body/with your soul/energy body/whatever (I speak from experience :)!!)
It's funny you say that about prayer creating real life changes, I find the same thing with ceremonial magic, though more essentially chaos magic also has real world effects and strengthens my belief in the paranormal. I believe all this is the same thing though, we just call it different names.

Anyway, thanks again for sharing mate - it really has opened my eyes a little more.

Projection night tonight for me - gonna try and talk to my dad again :)

what you are describing and what Nathan described are two very different things.

Nathan, I love that your so open to share your beliefs and not worry about being judged and persecuted. Especially on a message board that generally shuns such comments.
I'm not judging your beliefs, but how do you compare what you posted and what Nathan posted, and come to the conclusion they are the same thing?

oh ok :) well this would be another massive monologue of a combination of my thoughts and personal experiences I have had - and I'm not sure anybody would really care much more for what I have to say about this, I think I've derailed this thread enough already!:peace
oh ok :) well this would be another massive monologue of a combination of my thoughts and personal experiences I have had - and I'm not sure anybody would really care much more for what I have to say about this, I think I've derailed this thread enough already!:peace

fair enough. :peace
Christian theology is more interesting than any science fiction plot I have ever come across. In fact, it has inspired most of them directly or subconsciously.

I will suggest Nathan that we are actually going to do earth 2.0 as John saw a new heaven and a new earth. But yes - in a perfected state without the issues of sin all together and heaven and earth functioning together with accessibility to both. . :)

Also - Have any of your regulars hit you up to paint my bearded Wayne or Bateman? Would love to see you take one on...

Looking fwd to the bale you are doing now!
Grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ very young, but I would say my real commitment to faith didn't happen until about six years ago.


Same thing, grew up a church kid my whole life. Knew the Bible in and out but didn't have a true relationship with Christ until high school