Super Freak

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Happy Birthday Ski
As promised, here's my Hobbits. Thanks again for taking these guys on.
With Frodo and Sam:
Awesome! Did ski paint Sam and Frodo too?
damn...........i think i just **** my !!!!!!!
Me 2![]()
Very nice job Ski. Each post is better than the last. (Not including Dexter. I'm biased).
Outstanding work there mate on them eyes
Amazing just amazing![]()
ski your skillz are jus maaaddd bro!!! the force is strong in you !!lol
Which sculpt is that, Skiman? The Medicom one?
*edit, nevermind. Looks like you intentionally failed to answer when someone else asked earlier*
Can't wait to see more of that !!
Batman looks ok.![]()
Holy crap! WTF is this?!
Also... all your recent paint aps are stellar. Love the Dragon Tattoo girl.
Looks spendid!! I guess I know what I'll be using for the DX12 now.![]()
Donald Sutherland?
SS Obi Wan?
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Can't wait to see your Old Ben, Ski! I have one out for paint right now as well, excited to get him back.
Oh, and killer work on the Batman.
That's easily in the top 3 medi repaints i've seen
Insane , right? Even under intense scrutiny I could see anything out of whack. I'm honored to own this piece.
Bats looks stunning man!
Jesus Christ. That Obi is divine
Love how u bring the life out of a sculpt
Holy crap, Dave... Holy f'n crap.
Obiwan and Da Pig look awesome.
Happy birthday, Dave! Enjoy yourself.
Awesome da ski have a great birthday 4-day weekend![]()
I heard somewhere it was your birthday
happy bday Ski!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you have a good one.
Amazing work on the bat and obi and the runt. Still waitin to get a pm of some pics of bloody dex....?
Safe and sound, I only opened them up today... I plan to work on assembly this weekend![]()
You did an amazing job matching them to Sideshow's work... I feel bad in a way having you paint so specifically; but I'm happy knowing I'll get the full treatment paint-wise in the other project I have going with you
Best TDK sculpt/paint eva.
It shows how much good stuff is under those factory paint jobs from Sideshow. I love these repaints of old school Sideshow figures. Looks great ski.
And Happy Birthday buddy.
You should if for nothing else just the head. With some tlc the sculpt is damn near perfect. I'd try to find one loose..if you can. Even when I do find them they are new and peeps want an arm and a leg for them.
Go for it! Have a great weekend and a Happy Birthday Ski!