In Superman these days, you have Geoff Johns/Richard Donner and Kurt Busiek writing Action and Busiek on Action, so your getting a pretty standard version of Clark, I don't think he has been written as the timid reporter since he and Lois got married in the 80's.
Way back in the 60's or maybe it was the 70's there was a Superman comic that explained the reason no one ever thought of Clark as Superman, was when he wore the glasses, they put out some sort of mass hypnosis, that made Clark appear much smaller and skinner then he was. Superman has had so many changes in his comic book mythos that its hard to keep it straight.
If your a fan of Superman and read comics on occasion I highly suggest reading Kurt Busiek's "Secret Identity" series, it was 4 comics that suggested what a Superman in the real world would be like, it was a very well done story with great art by Stuart Immonen.