And I have to say my favorite part of Smallville, still to this day, is the Clark and Lana "story." To watch their relationship grow the way it had was pure gold as far as I'm concerned. Will they? Won't they? Will they? Won't they?

I know he's destined to be with Lois, and I'm all for that especially the way they've developed her (Lois) character, but still Clark and Lana really made the show "click" for me. Back in the high school years of Smallville and even through Season 6 and 7, the on-screen chemistry between those two was phenomenal. Season 1 aired my freshman year of high school, so it was easy to relate to the whole high school theme (minus the super powers of course.

And like I was saying earlier, a few posts ago, the soundtrack of those earlier years (Season 1 - 5ish) was nothing sort of perfection. I'll never forget the ending scene of the very first episode with Clark in the loft of his barn, imagining he's with Lana, but then is quickly brought back to reality as Lana is dropped off at her house after prom.
Then queues the song "Everything" by Lifehouse as Clark thanks Lana, from a distance, for the dance they never had.
It's moments like those gives that give me goosebumps and it was then that I was hooked.