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Heck the whole entire forum is not the same without you Mark. Your work inspires me and many others on here.

Take as much time as you need in order to get better and know that there are a lot of people thinking about you my friend..

Seriously Mark , what they said .:wink1:
Mark will be just fine, we all know he's more machine than man.:wink1:

I've been busy as of late, and man have I missed a lot! So sorry to hear about ol' Dorgs feeling poorly...

And you're right Viv, I think he should just go in for a tune-up. Or doctor's appointment. Or perhaps both... Hmm...

I thought all those ghastly fumes from silicone and resin might eventually get to his head, or give him a nasty cough... I've been doing some casting myself lately, and I'm starting to feel pretty bad... (Headaches, coughs, etc.)

And everyone's right, this place is so empty without you Dorgs!

I can't imagine a world in which Dorgs never built the Falcon cockpit, and I never drooled over it and then decided to hang around in the SW forums and then become a SW customizer... And without Dorgs, I don't think there would have been any Republic Commandos, and I wouldn't be able to work on what I'm working on now...

Anyway Mark, if you're well enough to read this, I wish you a speedy recovery from whatever it is that ails you. Hoping to see you posting again soon! :)
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And without Dorgs, I don't think there would have been any Republic Commandos, and I wouldn't be able to work on what I'm working on now...

Well there wouldn't have been as many commando's, but Bobamike had his own solo commando project going. But in a way your right because there's a lot of us who wouldn't have been able to get our hands on one without Mark diving head first into casting them up.:clap
I must've missed word of this, too. Hope everything is okay. Feel better, Mark! We miss you!

(No wonder there haven't been as many pics catch my attention, lately!)
Oww my days.. I have a little lie down for half an hour and you guys go get all mushy!!

Well Thanks for all the very kind and thoughtful comments they are all appreciated and it means a chuffin lot to me.

So... what happened?

Well I had a stroke at the grand age of 37. But I consider myself very lucky. It has all been very bizarre to say the least.

I just wanted to thank you all for your thoughts but I wanted to publicly thank Chris (chakaman) and Cbob. They have been amazing over the past months and I can not thank them enough.

I really hope to be back in the swing of things very soon. I miss it so much.

I have managed to re-work my site.. so please have a butchers and let me know.

Ow and if any one is interested in medicom sandies and stormies let me know as I am thinking of selling them to get some hot toys planet of the apes figures.
Wow Dorgs, that sounds pretty serious. I'm glad you seem to be mostly ok now though...

I took a look at your site just now, and I think it's very nice! It's a lot easier to get to things now, and it's easier to see all the different projects you've done. I was just browsing through, and found this picture:


I've never seen it before, was it on your site before the update?

Anyway, I think it looks great. For a moment I almost thought the background of the scene was a dio you built! Very nice job, even if it's a year old already.
Daaa I will be fine DP. Remeber that I am not human I just need to get a few new parts and a good oil bath and I will be fine.

As fro the pic cheers mate that is one of my favs.

I used a computer screen for the background and used a tiny pen torch to light up Leia.

Really enjoyed it. Gonna get back into that sort of thing I think.
Loving your site Dorgs.

Take it easy m8 :1-1:

Oww my days.. I have a little lie down for half an hour and you guys go get all mushy!!

Well Thanks for all the very kind and thoughtful comments they are all appreciated and it means a chuffin lot to me.

So... what happened?

Well I had a stroke at the grand age of 37. But I consider myself very lucky. It has all been very bizarre to say the least.

I just wanted to thank you all for your thoughts but I wanted to publicly thank Chris (chakaman) and Cbob. They have been amazing over the past months and I can not thank them enough.

I really hope to be back in the swing of things very soon. I miss it so much.

I have managed to re-work my site.. so please have a butchers and let me know.

Ow and if any one is interested in medicom sandies and stormies let me know as I am thinking of selling them to get some hot toys planet of the apes figures.
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Mark,it's fantastic to here that you are doing better & on the path to recovery!:clap
I think I speak for many here by saying that you have been missed & that your well being has been in our thoughts.This part of the sideshow forum is not the same without you.
Please do what needs to be done to conintue getting better mate & remember....
The Force is with you!