bonsey said:
There is going to be a CG Yoda in TPM?? Where did you hear it?? That would be fantastic!!
A scene from Episode I with the new CG Yoda appears in a featurette on the Revenge of the Sith DVD. Animator Rob Coleman discloses that Lucas assigned him and his team the task of "re-animating" Yoda during the break between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith... to keep them "in character".
As for the prospect of seeing the Star Wars Saga in 3-D....
A couple of years ago, George Lucas was VERY excited about the prospect of converting Star Wars to 3-D and re-releasing them in theaters... and would say so in practically every interview he gave at the time. However, Rick McCallum would then have to counter this by saying that such a release
MIGHT be possible
IF there were enough digital screens to support such a release. You see, this new 3-D process is only possible with a digital projection system. So... at the time, there wasn't enough digital screens out there to support it.
However, a lot has changed since in just the last few years. Disney has done it's share to increase digital screens with the release of all of there major animation films in digital and/or 3-D including Chicken Little, Nightmare Before Christmas, Meet the Robinsons and pretty soon Ratatouille. In fact, the numbers for the 3-D Meet the Robinsons were very strong... and they are planning a re-release of Nightmare Before Christmas again this Halloween. Also, Pirates of the Caribbean III had the biggest digital roll out in history... with 1250 screens, I believe.
So I think that the day we see the Star Wars Sagew in 3-D is coming closer to a reality. But I do think we wouldn't see any real work on this until Indy 4 is completed.