Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Aaron Paul has an angry charisma which in no way even comes close to resembling the roguish charisma of Harrison Ford.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I think Targon Egerton is the best choice. I really hope he gets the role. He has charisma and is a great actor... I think he can pull off Han.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

This movie is definitely Disney's worst idea with the franchise. Even George Lucas knew not to make a prequel about one of the big three OT heroes.

"Then why the hell did he make them about Obi-Wan and Anakin?"

Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I don't think he can pull off an American accent. Not 100% perfectly and not 100% of the time. Because he's not American. I like Taron Egerton a lot, and if he wasn't up for the role of an already established character, I'd be all for seeing him in a Star Wars movie. I still am. But he'd have to put on an American accent to play Han Solo, and he could never do it flawlessly. The best American accents done by foreign actors (English, Irish, Scottish, Australian, whatever) just don't sound quite right, or if they do sound good for a while, they do slip, and I can't help but notice. The worst American accents done by foreign actors (Charlie Hunnam, for example) pull me out of the piece no matter how good it is otherwise. And it goes both ways. I have English friends and Irish family members who complain about Americans doing English and Irish accents and even the best still don't sound right to them.

This made me try to think of who has ever pulled off an entirely convincing accent that wasn't their own in film or TV. I remember being completely surprised when I found out that James Marsters who played Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer was actually American faking a british accent. In one episode he was called upon to be his British character trying to 'fake' an American accent which was hilarious.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Half the cast of The Walking Dead is British (and the one Wolf dude was Australian) and I never would have known without hearing how they talked in real life.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

This made me try to think of who has ever pulled off an entirely convincing accent that wasn't their own in film or TV. I remember being completely surprised when I found out that James Marsters who played Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer was actually American faking a british accent. In one episode he was called upon to be his British character trying to 'fake' an American accent which was hilarious.

There's exceptions (Hugh Laurie does the most convincing American accent I've ever heard from a non-American), but they are rare, and I have serious doubts about a 26 year old kid from Merseyside and Wales.

Half the cast of The Walking Dead is British (and the one Wolf dude was Australian) and I never would have known without hearing how they talked in real life.

I've heard in interviews that Southern US accents tend to be easier due to similar sounds like soft Rs and long vowels.
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Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I've heard in interviews that Southern US accents tend to be easier due to similar sounds like soft Rs and long vowels.

That makes sense. Probably any "strong" US accent would be easier to do than a total non-accent (for lack of a better word.) Margot Robbie did a great Brooklyn accent for Wolf of Wall Street, for instance.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

She was great. Also Yael Stone on Orange is the New Black does equally amazing Queens accent. Unfortunately the less convincing stuff tends to be attempts at more neutral accents, like Ford's.
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Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Unfortunately the less convincing stuff tends to be attempts at more neutral accents, like Ford's.

Yep. Even great actors like Christian Bale and Ewan McGregor seem to struggle keeping it up for an entire performance. Domhnall Gleeson did a great "neutral" accent in Ex Machina though. Hardy is pretty good at it as well (not that I'd want either of them for Han obviously. :lol)
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Who is writing/directing this? I don't want a Disney kid's adventure- I'm fearing Disney will eventually go all-kid on one of these...
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I would rather have a Ewen McGregor as Obiwan movie than this. :monkey2
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I'd kill for a Ewan Kenobi movie. He made it out of those films unscathed.