Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

ROTJ for me was TLJ of the is in most places a bad bad film
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Now Crows , Jal, don’t make me come back there....

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

That was dumb. Typical of ROTJ.

ROTJ was so 'PT' and we didn't even know it in 1983.

It was, but it also had Jabba's Palace, the Sarlacc Pit and the speeder bikes - three sequences that equal anything in SW and ESB. That and the aged Velveeta of Palpy elevates ROTJ way beyond Ewoks, sisters, goofy HF and a certain point of view.

The PT had a three hour pod race, a Bugs Life CGI Gungan battle and that red-dirt arena thing where Padme's belly button was the only iconic visual. I seem to remember Ewan riding a lizard, but not sure which movie that was in.

The visuals of the 45 minute whiny-lava saber battle prove that the PT could have been improved if they had shot major sequences on location old school/OT style.

ROTJ for me was TLJ of the is in most places a bad bad film

Last time I saw it on the big screen people literally laughed at the Han/Leia "Luke wasn't on that thing" scene. And it didn't seem like it was a loving fan laughter. More like "this is bad.":lol

That scene and Luke/Leia Ewok village chat, and the Luke/Ben chat, are just show stoppers in the worst way. When Vader says "Sister..." during the saber battle is another cringe moment.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

It was, but it also had Jabba's Palace, the Sarlacc Pit and the speeder bikes.

The Sarlacc pit is one of the things I've come to really dislike. Like the bad 2nd unit camera shot when the skiff get hit by a blaster and tilts awkwardly -- just really bad and cheaply done.

The speeder bike remains the only action sequence that still holds up because of the amazing sound design.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Now Crows , Jal, don’t make me come back there....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

delete this post please. i dont want my name posted here without context
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

The Sarlacc pit is one of the things I've come to really dislike. Like the bad 2nd unit camera shot when the skiff get hit by a blaster and tilts awkwardly -- just really bad and cheaply done.

The speeder bike remains the only action sequence that still holds up because of the amazing sound design.

It has some cheese (goofball Han was just getting his first moments to shine there) but the editing and music make up for it and to call it bad and cheaply done is a major over-reach - and Jabba's Palace is a moody and well shot sequence, despite a few moments of cheese.

ROTJ is interesting because the edge of the 1970's - that so inflects SW and ESB - was fading and the 80s need to soften was becoming really obvious. George had kids, the cast was getting a little tired/wanting to move on and the crew (both VFX and costume/prop designers) were resting on their laurels and in a few cases phoning it in (the ILM Jabba's aliens making-of videos reek of undeserved cockiness.)


Never seen more accurate descriptions.

To be fair, I haven't seen these things since they were released. Maybe my memory is being unkind.:dunno
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I don't care what anybody says. No one who's being honest with themselves really believes Kathleen Kennedy is good for SW.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I don't care what anybody says. No one who's being honest with themselves really believes Kathleen Kennedy is good for SW.

Well let's see now...before my old Star Wars Blu Ray set for the millionth time...since favorite Star Wars animated Star Wars series that I thought was...excellent...two other Star Wars movies...TFA and R1 that I most anticipated movie of the year (Solo) coming out this amazing run of multiple great Star Wars comic series that I collect from huge collection of Star Wars Hot Toys figures in my collectible room to join the lonely pre-Kennedy DX07 Bespin a huge Theme Park fan an amazing Star Wars themed area at the Disney Parks that will be cutting edge in the Theme Park design industry...yep for this life-long Star Wars fan Kennedy is feeling pretty good...make that pretty GREAT for Star Wars right now...and I'm feeling pretty honest too. Sorry to stick a pin in your theory but as I have said before one of the beauties of life is that everyone gets to have their own opinions and like what they like...if it's any consolation you could probably rattle off a long list of things that you are passionate about that I would think are absolute garbage...just how things work I guess...:)
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

More Star Wars is always better than no more Star Wars. I also wish we had more Matrix.

Watching Dunkirk I was reminded how great Kenneth Branagh might have been as a young Obi-Wan:


Still, I was happy with Ewan's portrayal, and "bought him" as the character. I have high hopes for Alden too, even if he ain't the most Ford-esque actor around.
More Star Wars is always better than no more Star Wars. I also wish we had more Matrix.

The point is not to end SW. It's just to get KK fired so we can have nice things again. I'm sure if they butchered your favorite character you wouldn't say the same (if you say Luke is your fav I'm gonna vomit). My next biggest fear is that she has her way with Boba Fett. Noooo!!

Well let's see now...before my old Star Wars Blu Ray set for the millionth time...since favorite Star Wars animated Star Wars series that I thought was...excellent...two other Star Wars movies...TFA and R1 that I most anticipated movie of the year (Solo) coming out this amazing run of multiple great Star Wars comic series that I collect from huge collection of Star Wars Hot Toys figures in my collectible room to join the lonely pre-Kennedy DX07 Bespin a huge Theme Park fan an amazing Star Wars themed area at the Disney Parks that will be cutting edge in the Theme Park design industry...yep for this life-long Star Wars fan Kennedy is feeling pretty good...make that pretty GREAT for Star Wars right now...and I'm feeling pretty honest too. Sorry to stick a pin in your theory but as I have said before one of the beauties of life is that everyone gets to have their own opinions and like what they like...if it's any consolation you could probably rattle off a long list of things that you are passionate about that I would think are absolute garbage...just how things work I guess...:)

Do you know that problem that contemporary pop music has? The songs have a shelf life of about a year at most. After that everyone gets bored of the song and it's forgotten forever. It's like bubblegum. You spit it out once the flavor is gone.

Star Wars toys might lose this battle

Despite the huge popularity of the Star Wars films, retail orders fell 47% in 2017. The Hollywood Reporter thinks toy sellers want to look at the long-range popularity of the toys before investing.
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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

It's not that I disagree with the criticism in a video such as the above - but the level of outrage is a bit much. That video and countless others like it act as though Disney/Kathleen Kennedy have exclusive claim to the dubious fame of making bad Star Wars films. Errrr...George Lucas himself has them beat with what he put out from 1999 to 2005. I find it weird that this has been forgotten. And yes they are still ***t post-Disney. (sorry Prime Clone, sorry RIDDICK they're awesome)

Bad Star Wars outweighs good Star Wars - what else is new? I suppose I just don't know why anyone is surprised anymore or how and why they can still care that much.

Just take them as they come, disregard if you don't like them, same as always.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

It's not that I disagree with the criticism in a video such as the above - but the level of outrage is a bit much. That video and countless others like it act as though Disney/Kathleen Kennedy have exclusive claim to the dubious fame of making bad Star Wars films. Errrr...George Lucas himself has them beat with what he put out from 1999 to 2005. I find it weird that this has been forgotten. And yes they are still ***t post-Disney. (sorry Prime Clone, sorry RIDDICK they're awesome)

Bad Star Wars outweighs good Star Wars - what else is new? I suppose I just don't know why anyone is surprised anymore or how and why they can still care that much.

Just take them as they come, disregard if you don't like them, same as always.

Agreed, but to some degree I do take issue with this whole "if you don't like it, you don't have to buy/watch/discuss etc etc." we hear over and over.

The bottom line is that these newer SW entertainment products suck all the air from the room SW-wise. An example: I collect a lot of SW images (behind the scenes, rarer pics etc - mostly for custom reference) and sites like SW Facebook/Twitter were a great, consistent source of high res rarer/BTS pics from the OT. No more. Since TFA, there has been very few OT images - nearly everything has been ST or standalone related (say 95%.)

Then there's figures - how long ago would we have gotten to Ackbar, Walrusman and Veers if it wasn't for the ST? Instead we have dozens of ST and standalone characters. I understand that new SW entertainment drives OT stuff to be made (HT Tarkin wouldn't have happened without RO) - a tsunami of OT stuff in the PT era - but the reality is, people now know that the OT alone would continue to sell stuff like high-end 1/6 figs even without new movies.

So for me, I have to face movies that are somewhere between okay and turd-esque - which yes, I don't have to see - but they also distort the whole SW landscape so I don't get what I want in a wider fan sense, and the "universe" becomes cluttered with dozens of useless somewhat major new characters which in the end will be as remembered as much as Mr. Death Sticks from AOTC (Maz is a good example) is, yet must have a bevy of products to validate their existence.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Agreed, but to some degree I do take issue with this whole "if you don't like it, you don't have to buy/watch/discuss etc etc." we hear over and over.

My last sentence did sound like that didn't it. Sorry, that wasn't my intention, I hate that too.

Point very much taken on the merchandise aspect of all this. Although that's not a frustration I've seen expressed in these unrelenting youtube rant videos. My post is directed at the overdramatic tone of these videos and the fact that they're still pumping them out months later like as though we've never had a bad Star Wars film before.