Broke and happy
I just can't take your posts seriously TaliBane since you endlessly flip flop on what helps or hinders the franchise based on your own personal opinion of any given film. For instance if Kennedy does something unprecedented and oversees three straight years of #1 films then it's "riding George's coattails, anyone can do it" (when he himself did not) but then when Solo tanks suddenly riding George's coattails goes out the window and it's *all her fault."
Meh. Enjoy the endless spin on any and all facts to whatever degree you feel is necessary to prove your opinion as "correct." There are too many people to chat with who both love this film as well as those who either dislike it rationally or dislike it irrationally yet are still capable of owning their own BS once in a while for me to waste my time with any more of these back and forths. Am I the most rational fan when it comes to SW? Heck no. But I'm at least self-aware enough to recognize the fact that I'm not fooling anybody into thinking otherwise.
I will say that your misgivings are certainly valid if you feel like they took Luke to a dark place unbecoming of his character but the way I see it is that with Vader he always saw the good in him hence the reason why he never gave up until the end whereas with Ben Solo Luke (and Leia as well) ultimately realized that they desperately *wanted* there to be good in him but had to come to terms with the fact that there just wasn't any. The throne room scenes of ROTJ and TLJ parallel each other in many ways accept for one key area: When the apprentice (Vader) killed the master (Emperor) in ROTJ he immediately turned good without the pervasive evil influence in his life whereas in TLJ the apprentice killed the master and stayed evil...because his heart was darkened by his own will apart from his master. That's simplifying Vader and Kylo's character a bit but hopefully you get the jist of where I'm coming from.
Either way, agree to disagree bla bla bla and.
You can’t take their complaints seriously because their agenda against her is all built on a Lose/Lose situation for her.
You can tell who they are they won’t say one positive thing about her no matter what.
Box office success nope not of her doing she’s just a secretary.
RO/Solo are good nope she had nothing to do with it.
But everything they see as being bad was definately just because of her.
It’s sad really.
I never saw the Force as something spiritual but simply "magical". It's why I also never considered "Star Wars" as pure science fiction but more of a fantasy story set in "galaxy far, far away".
The introduction of Midichlorians wiped out the magical aspect of the Force and made it sound more like an infection. "My father has it. I have it. My sister has it..." took on a new meaning...
There really was no reason to go there except perhaps that GL requiring a blood test show that Little Ani was more powerful than the mighty Yoda.
GL tends to make the galaxy a small place, more of a neighborhood, where everyone is linked and everything needs to be defined. The PT was guilty of that big-time. While I'm not a fan of the ST, it has at least (so far) kept from following the same formula.

Magical or Spiritual > Infection
Blood test.....sigh
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