"No it’s really not a great post."

There's this thing. It's called an "analogy."
So, here's how it works... it doesn't literally mean... that KK and Disney... went over to GL's
actual house... to
literally borrow his cars. So them owning those cars, shareholding, it doesn't really play into an analogous example.
The point of the analogy is: they didn't create something even remotely (let alone wholly) new as RJ is now supposedly doing. They took the super-safe OT retread route with Girluke Skywalker (mystery box parents) vs Emo-th Vader/Emperor Snokatine and their Death Starplanet, and rolled in the return of HF's Han Solo. And they followed that up with "Back to the ANH Future" with Marty McSkywalker just out of view around the corner of every shot and a Vader with a CGI Crispin Glover face (OT Vader should have sued his fan-service doppleganger too.)
They strip mined OT appeal. Taking Dad's cars - that everyone obsessively LOVES - for another victory lap. Whether they were borrowed, owned or stolen. But most of that is gone now. Now is when the true test for KK and Disney comes (though I'm arguing it'll be more of the same - Luke with mechanical legs and Rey Skywalker.)
I hate to trigger the Theta (we're far beyond even Beta) Male echo chamber here, but Khev you would recall our conversation where we confirmed AOTC's billion-plus adjusted worldwide gross? Adjusted, RO and AOTC in fact earned almost EXACTLY the same worldwide. In that case #1 or #3 ... it's like spreading out income into a different tax year. Same earnings, split or not.
And you would also recall how I mentioned how
massively different the film distribution business was between 2002 and 2016, giving RO a massive advantage over a film from 15 years earlier? I mean do we ignore the fact that AOTC opened on ONE THOUSAND less screens than RO did? Or that AOTC earned $5m in China whereas RO earned $70m in China... primarily because there was about 1/10 the number of screens in 2002?
Yup no-namers such as the freakin' ANH Death Star, Darth Vader himself, DV with lightsaber in action, Tarkin as a full CGI recreation in many scenes and a new scene with Leia digitally recreated exactly as she was in ANH... released just 10 days before CF's death in a Heath Ledger-eque coincidence.
Oh, and those other no-namers that SW fans wouldn't care about... OT TIEs, OT Star Destroyers, OT X-Wings, OT Massassi (and war room,) OT troopers and uniforms (not that ST junk) and iconic OT rebel pilots etc etc etc. - all pulled direct from ANH.
Oh but yes OT fans would MUCH rather see a whiny nobody playing a teen version of Humpty Dumpty from the ROTJ helmet reveal and Ewok Village vanilla force-ghost guy (and as the burning follow-up to whiny moppet kid in the same role.) Alongside a Gary-Coleman-as-Yoda puppet/CGI... and YES we finally get to see the event we hear about in passing and had no idea what it actually was... the Clone Wars (always hated that name, then it turned out it was
literally clones
