I don't remember which book its in. I might be the lost legacy that makes the reference. Its cool at the imagery that Daley writes when Han has a showdown with a rival in a shoot out. He explains why Hans holster hangs so low. You could tell he watched a lot of westerns. In the new Canon if Hans pants are remnants of his Imperial days that sucks. The tractor beam bit with the Falcon is awesome in that it shows how fast of a thinker Solo is and how crazy he can be. I will have to reread the trilogy soon.
Totally. When I'm done with these I'll have to track down the Lando trilogy since I never actually read those and I know they are referenced in "Solo." I also love the reference to Z-95 Headhunters in the deleted scene that jye posted, precursors to the X-Wings first mentioned in 1987's West End Games SW RPG.