Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

So what are you saying then? That L&M made the film that Disney wanted and five months later the studio changed its mind? Or are you saying that the story and production was crap from the beginning?

I think Kennedy and The Kasdans hired Lord and Miller to do a movie. A movie they all agreed on months before pre-pro started. I think over the last four months of production, the suits overstepped their roles as producers thinking that would fly with Lord and Miller but instead created an on-set feud Cimino-style (who used to kick producers off the set during The Deer Hunter). I think Kennedy and The Kasdans thought Lord and Miller would be micro-manageable and learned the hard way that they wouldn't be. Anyway, in the end something significant must have happened on set that made Lord and Miller walk and in turn the suits retaliated by "firing" them in the public eye.

Until we hear from Lord and Miller, the only narrative we have is Disney's which is "We fired these men for making a bad movie. It just took us four months to realize this." I myself don't buy it. I think if Lord and Miller were indeed butchering the material they would have been booted a few weeks into principal photography.

I mean, the casting choice was pretty bad, imo. That's like a major element of the film right there, who's going to play Solo, and they picked a guy who looks nothing like Ford, yet RO is using CGI to bring back original characters to maintain the continuity, something the Solo film completely ignored for some reason.

I hate the casting of Ehrenreich. I don't trust Kasdan the way everyone else seems to either. He was a once great writer/director, but much like Howard, has mostly sucked ass over the last two decades.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Firing a director (or two) seems like a fairly drastic move. No one wants that. Relationships build as do loyalties; but if they are continually tried, then it can get messy like any relationship.

Also, as far as a time frame, it seems like it would take time to build. Questions start to circulate, uncertainties begin to build. Dailies look salvageable, but actors start to complain. Notes are given, first warnings, second warning, etc. It sounds like it started slowly and grew into a mess over time.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

How much of Back to the Future was filmed before they decided to scrap it and start over?
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I guess it all comes down to who do you trust?

Kathleen Kennedy:

Phil Lord and Christopher Miller:
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

How much of Back to the Future was filmed before they decided to scrap it and start over?

4 weeks into shooting they recast.

I guess it all comes down to who do you trust?

Kathleen Kennedy:

Phil Lord and Christopher Miller:

mic dropped lol
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I guess it all comes down to who do you trust?

Kathleen Kennedy:

Phil Lord and Christopher Miller:
*waits for snikt to ignore post*
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I guess it all comes down to who do you trust?

Kathleen Kennedy:

Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I guess it all comes down to who do you trust?

Kathleen Kennedy:

Phil Lord and Christopher Miller:

Impressive resume for a producer, yes, but Kathleen Kennedy, LUCASFILM STUDIO HEAD (suit) begins with TFA.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

They were able to salvage some of the BTTF footage, but since the main character, who was in just about every scene was recast, the bulk had to be re-shot.
I guess it all comes down to who do you trust?[*]The Last Airbender (2010) (executive producer)

Gotta go with the other guys, I'm afraid.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

In that logic, Miller and Lord begin (and end) with Han Solo.


Producers aren't always bad. Studio heads (suits) are usually the problem. ****, Alan Ladd Jr. fought for Lucas on ANH when the studio wanted to shut him down.

Kennedy is a suit now and they are notorious for interfering. Best example being the Rothman/FOX era where he butchered every CBM the studio made until his departure in 2011.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

No director does 90% of a tentpole movie that is 40-50% Second Unit VFX. It's all such a ridiculously moot point anyway because Howard will obviously direct more than 10% of the finished film going forward anyway. And as has been said multiple times now even if there was a "fired directors' cut" Disney would still control distribution and simply bury it.

I don't know. Disney might wait awhile and then release it for the big bucks they'll get for it.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I just don't see Kathleen suddenly becoming one of "them" because she gets a new title.

No, don't you get it? The moment you call someone a "suit" you can equate them with a faceless corporate know-nothing! She's not an "Executive Producer" with experience at keeping a film on the rails. She's a bean counter! She should be booed at the Star Wars events! Before long she'll be guilty of giving us five new Star Wars films and another Indiana Jones, that btch! She tried to keep the Han Solo film from becoming an Ace Ventura film! How dare!?!

I expect better from you Wor. You need to embrace your sense of irrational hate. She's a dirty 1%er.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I just don't see Kathleen suddenly becoming one of "them" because she gets a new title.

You either die a hero or you live long enough to become one of..."them."
