Super Freak
i'm still in for one, will be good to get a personal figure where i know who designed and made it to order... 
Something of an update....
STILL working hard on this, guys! I seem to have ended up with something like a small "focus group" on the project. The problem with the head was that her eyes were too high on her face. That's why she looked older. Childrens' eyes seem to fall on the center axis of the face, i.e.; equal distance from center of eye to hairline and chin. I actually did manage to correct this using the same sculpt, and now I have two versions. The eyes may be too far apart on one of them, I don't know yet. I'll have pics soon.
For those of you still interested, thank you. For those of you getting out, that's understandable. But please keep in mind, I am NOT a factory with 20-man, on-staff design team. I'm ONE guy, with a big workload. I think I've only been on this for a couple months. Just because SS and other compaines announce a figure and release it three months later doesn't mean it only took three months to design and fabricate. Most projects are in the works LONG before they ever announce anything; a year or more in most cases.
Good things take time-still in for two, maybe even three!
By the way, who made that Goldfinger in your signature?? That thing is freakin' amazing! Even the shot perspective looks great, the background scale. Looks like the actor standing in your kitchen!!
wow that is an awesome sculpt! looks incredible. so much like the little ozzie brat in the film.
Ozzie? She's American (and was living in Britain at the time of the film, if I recall). I'm also not sure what you have against her. She wasn't nearly as annoying as most kids in films, IMHO.