The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
So Moore was the 'no hat' pioneer.
Yes, he was the first...he had to show that glorious 70's hairdo.
So Moore was the 'no hat' pioneer.
Not something I expected to see posted here.
What a disappointment, there are so many holes and ridiculous parts that just makes you face palm. See spoiler
3) this villain which the movie spent so much time build up, is possibly the most weak and stupid idiot in all of bond films. More powerful and well funded than basically multiple nation, flys around in a single helicopter that can get shot down by a tiny pistol. And what's the point trying to play that find the girl game with bond, instead of just shooting him and the girl. There is nothing to gain from it especially after he tried it already and ended up losing the whole base.
This whole thing was just so stupid, how bond took down the villain. A local street gang will be more difficult and less idiotic than this guy.
What a horrible disappointment to end th series.
It's not worst than this though5:28
Well, here's my two spoilers here.
I liked it. Better than Skyfall. After reading all the critics lock-stepping over at RT how it dragged, I was pleasantly surprised that I never felt the urge to check the time. I thought it was paced just fine. I'll give Mendes his due....the man knows how ti make a gorgeous looking looked great.
Craig is really good (again) and I liked the "callbacks", both visual and story-wise. Thought it worked great. And if this is it for Craig, at least he's leaving it on a solid note here.
A good show....
What a disappointment, there are so many holes and ridiculous parts that just makes you face palm. See spoiler
Everything fell apart after James Bond arrived at the enemy base in the desert.
1) why did the locks on the surgical chair all disengaged after the girl threw a bomb at the villain Ernst. How does an explosion unlock the locks?
I think the Bomb was supposed to disconnect the chair... It's silly yes... But action films do stuff like this all the time.
2) why the hell did the entire base blow up after James fired a few shots from his pistol? None of us could figure this out. Is it serious that such a sophisticated global world domination organization will design their base by exposing some sort of gas pipe that links everything and will explode the whole base right on top for people to shoot at with pistols...
Dude... You must hate the majority of Bond films![]()
3) this villain which the movie spent so much time build up, is possibly the most weak and stupid idiot in all of bond films. More powerful and well funded than basically multiple nation, flys around in a single helicopter that can get shot down by a tiny pistol. And what's the point trying to play that find the girl game with bond, instead of just shooting him and the girl. There is nothing to gain from it especially after he tried it already and ended up losing the whole base.
He wanted Bond to die trying to save the girl or live and feel the pain.. The man like to inflict pain on Bond... He was nuts... And like all Bond Villains he was an egomaniac and thought he was the smartest guy in the world. I guess I was just willing to go along for the ride.
This whole thing was just so stupid, how bond took down the villain. A local street gang will be more difficult and less idiotic than this guy.
What a horrible disappointment to end th series.
Well I think Craig will be back and those who know the Bond films should be able to see were this is going (OHMSS)...
My thoughts!
The good - for the first time since Die Another Day, I felt like I was watching a Bond film. I said it earlier in the thread, but it seems like ever since Craig came on, they've been aiming for making a modern thriller that happens to have James Bond in it; This is a James Bond movie that happens to be a modern thriller. I really enjoyed all of the nods back to previous films, both Craig's and others. I thought Bautista put in a great turn as another memorable henchman, the train fight was especially brutal just like in "From Russia With Love," and I particularly liked the fact that the safehouse was called "Hildebrand Rarities" as a nod to the Fleming books.
The bad - The story definitely needed some work. I keep waffling back and forth especially on the ring. It had DNA from ALL of Bond's villains? Really? That's a bit preposterous. It doesn't seem that the Sciarra mission was all a setup, yet that's the only way it makes sense to have a planted element like that. And the funny thing is, it didn't NEED to be that way. There's nothing that was required from that plot point. If Q had just found that Oberhauser's DNA was on it, it would've moved the plot forward the exact same way.
They didn't even bother explaining how Quantum and Spectre are connected...which stretches my belief. It's like it's just a buy-in that they're the same thing, and you're just supposed to ignore the differences. I kept waiting for one like about how Quantum was the name of Spectre's R&D wing or something like that. Would've taken about 2 seconds and made all the difference in the world.
And does anyone else really buy that Silva was in on all of it? I don't. There was never any indication that there was anyone else involved in his plot. This didn't have to tie in EVERY SINGLE movie with a nice little bow. It felt forced.
Also, why was White's saferoom behind plaster? Wasn't the whole point of the fact that he kept visiting that room that he used it? Did he plaster over the wall every single time he was there?
I also agree with a previous poster that I wish C would've ended up being the big baddie at the end, instead, in a turnaround, and that Oberhauser was his lackey. Just would've given it more pop. And I could totally see Scott playing both Blofeld AND Moriarty
Moneypenny really didn't serve much of a purpose considering how they built her up in Skyfall.
The editing needed work. There's no way this needed to be a 2 and a half hour film. It seemed like Mendes was so keen on keeping his cool cinematography (which was great, BTW) that he just left shots in because they were pretty, not because they moved along the plot. I didn't care for that. There were entire sequences that were utterly unnecessary...and left in just because they looked cool.
Overall, I left the theater smiling. I really enjoyed it, despite it's flaws, and I'll go see it again before it leaves the theater.
Could not agree more. I actually liked Skyfall the least of all 3 Craig flicks. CR > Quantum > Skyfall
Quantum was just OK the first time I saw it, but when I saw it on Bluray later on, I liked it much much more.
Critics are saying go see the Peanuts movie this weekend instead.
Between that horrible song and Craig acting like Josh Trank, they may be right.
WTF happened!![]()
Damn, I had high hopes from this since I thought the Craig Bond films were getting better and better with each new release.
I think I will still try and see this weekend.
That's not good because QOS sucks.![]()
So if I follow correctly, this movie features a villain from previous movies?
I feel like my lack of viewing older films might make this more enjoyable for me, nothing to setup expectations of any kind.
I don't either.
Casino Royal is still the best Craig Bond flick.
Skyfall was decent.
Quantum was Jason Borne, not Bond.
Still seeing this and Peanuts this weekend.
I think many people search for that one definitive movie that will be their go to whenever they want to watch that particular genre.
So its easy and comforting for some to proclaim CR as the "best" Bond movie.
The outdated is now sleek, fast, realistic, cool, gritty and brutal, so why waste time watching Dr. No when they can get their Bond fix with a movie they feel captures everything good about the character in one complete modern package.
Even though it has a 50 year history Bond is really not that difficult to sort out, everyone usually picks the same movies when choosing their top 10.
CR has now taken a permanent spot in that top 10 list, hell, probably even in everyones top 5.
It's not worst than this though5:28