Super Freak
Hah! Spectre in its frat boy days...
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Hah! Spectre in its frat boy days...
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That's the thing about Bond, even the bad entries in the series are celebrated.
The series has reached a level of acceptance that we embrace the bad along with the good.
We do this when we buy the box set.
I mean, who doesn't want to own the entire box set, no one!
Not even Star Wars has acheived that level, no one wants to own the PT!
But View to a Kill, DAD and Octopussy, hell yeah they're sitting on my shelf in my glorious box set!![]()
Ah, it sounds so simple now. That's it--I'm having a Craig Bond movie marathon.
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That car chase was pretty cool. But I hated the "villain" (he reminds me of the guy who owns the comic book Shop in Big Bang Theory) and that he even put of a second of a fight against Bond. The cinematography wasn't like the past two films which I think are a big part of the love I have for these films.
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Yup, even his bad movies provide some comfort, like a blanket that's a few days overdue its wash day, stinky yet still comfortable.
You know, like Godzilla.![]()
This might be better served in another thread, but I've seen quite a few shots taken at Octopussy. I know folks don't like that Bond disguises himself as a clown, but he WAS at the circus! Not like he picked up the outfit from Q branch. It's a nice visual call back to 009 at the beginning of the movie. My problem with the scene is that it's set against a ticking clock and he goes into the trailer and comes out like 30 seconds later (bomb time) in full disguise, complete with professional makeup! Having dressed as the Joker for Halloween (not nearly that well) I can attest that it would take WAY longer to look that good. 30 seconds is Mrs. Doubtfire-smack-your-face-in-the-makeup-tub and run out of the trailer.
I think the movie's a lot of fun, lots of high adventure spots (first Bond produced after Raiders of the Lost Ark), humor, a great stunt on the plane at the end. If it had been Roger Moore's last, it would've been a really high spot to leave. Alas, there's a View to A Kill. No WAY are they on the same level though.
Could be nostalgia since it was HBO a lot at my babysitter's house when I was a kid, but it's one of my favorites. Just my pair o' pennies.![]()
Spectre is terrific and may i say the most BONDian of all Craig's film(that is a good thing). It looks incredible and Craig is sooo cool and has the best vibe he ever has had as Bond.
The US critics are just jokes,they have piled on this movie- like it was revenge for Craig being short in interviews with their buds in the "media".
There are some things that can't comfort you no matter how hard you try.
Godzilla has Godzilla vs Megalon... Bond has Die Another Day.
Octopussy has moments I like. But it has some of the goofier humor. In all honesty I hardly remember the film. I remember Moore was getting to old for the role. I enjoyed it at one point when I was older but tried watching it again and I struggled to find entertainment value in it.
Sadly, he was too old, which makes View To A Kill all the worse. That movie was just so dull after the first 30 minutes.
Poor Die Another Day, AKA Pierce Brosnan's Moonraker. Was stunned in the theater at just how awful that one was. I enjoy Moonraker so much more, even though it's just as outlandish. Probably because it's the first Bond I saw, when I was 4...though I can just barely remember images from the movie at that time. The part where the dogs chased the woman down in the woods stuck with me though. I never forgot that part.
Moonraker was my first Bond film also. I still find enjoyment out of that one. JAWS being in it helped even though he was turned into the Coyote to Bond's Roadrunner in that one.
Die Another Day actually starts out good. I think I enjoy it up until he gets to the ice castle... But man does it go south after that.... AWFUL!!!!
It's funny. Aside from the dodgy CGI and dreadful acting all the way around (which, granted, is a big "aside") I actually liked Die Another Day's story. The fact that the villain was the same man with a different face was a pretty cool idea to me. The only thing that was really ugh was the cloaking car. That was a bit much.
I saw in the behind the scenes stuff that they took the idea from the book of Moonraker, the bad guy hiding in plain sight. Ironical considering how the two movies are usually mentioned with each other.
I think what also killed it for me was using CGI in place of stunts. When Halle Berry swan dives off the cliff, it's all CG. In the old days, they would've found a cliff diver to actually do the stunt and it would've been pretty impressive.
I read an interview as to the use of Greene. And quite honestly it made it more enjoyable. The purpose of Greene is that there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING intimidating about him. No muscle, no scars, no sinister voice; he's just a *****.
But when he goes against Bond, he's unpredictable, he's a guy that has not fought someone toe to toe. He always has his lackeys kill. Not out of manipulation like Blofeld, or with strength like a hemchman; but he actually pays people to do his own ****.
He's a guy that is terrified of anything against him. He uses threats barked behind his organization, not from him. And when you really break it down, he's actually the only villain to put up a fight with. Chiffre trapped him, Silva had an army but didn't fight him at the end. And Waltz was a trap. Even M had a longer fight than Craig in CR, SF, or Spectre.
To me, I think he was a good villain. He is someone that is scary, because you learn that almost anyone could be in that position.
QOS is the TDKR to CR's TDK, even though SF is the real TDK.![]()