I’m trying to recall what they did 2 years ago. Did they show all the Episode VIII figures together on display before they started putting them up for pre-order, or did they just randomly drop? I seem to recall seeing a picture someone put up on here at the time (I was a long time lurker before I signed up haha).
I don't think they did. They did for TFA and R1 but that's it. We did see the entire lineup for SOLO at some cons.
I remember for E7, R1 and E8, there was at least 1 figure, a trooper, available for sale before the movie launched. That can be an indication on how deep they want to dive into this line.
Found the pic. Judging from Luke still having the TFA placeholder head, then this pre-dates December 2017. So, I suppose that gives us some hope we might see a ROTS line-up pic around October. Actually we did quite well out of that lot, bar Poe. If they'd released Phasma she'd probably have ended up being sold online at a heavily discounted price by now.
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No reveal for May 4th? It's been a slow week...
Yep considering Star Wars movies track record of late HT will be once bitten twice shy on figures until they really know if it's a hit.....or not.
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Did TLJ not sell that well? I know TFA had issues, except kylo. SW figures lately don't seem to be doing well so maybe it's because people aren't into the new films that much. After the bad ROTJ Lukes, I'm hoping for a better luke figure to come out of ep9. Sadly though, I think if there is he'll be older Luke which I wasn't that impressed by in TLJ.
What does the Emperor say @1:40 with dark screen ?
Sounds like "Yes it's in...."