Let's see theres Book of Boba, Morbius, She Hulk, Batman, Kenobi, DS MoM, Moon Knight, Thor LT, SpiderVerse 2, Black Adam, Andor, The Flash, Panther 2, Ms Marvel, Aquaman and maybe Secret Invasion. Whew!
NWH I would get all 5 villains. Good news that HT has teased Gob/Doc/Electro. Sandman and Lizard are easy molds to me, zero tailoring. Power Pose and done. Yeah, prob Tob and Gar and the Holland final suit. That's 8 LOL

. More than what I got the previous 2 years. Really I need a Matt Murdock figure to make that 9, but HT probably won't make him.
I'll take a Morbius, Battinson, maybe a Kenobi, Moon Knight. Don't think I'll take a variant of Strange as I love my DS1. Got a Thor and DC is really meh to me right now. Black Adam and Doc Fate might be all I want. Batfleck again looks too JL like, I'll stick with BVS Batfleck.
I could see someone making a dio of all three on the head of the Statue of Liberty.
I didn't even think of Morbius and Fett. I'm trying to "run a tight ship" so to speak, but these things are hitting me at lightning speed and I need to be very cautious. The Spider-Man display was always going to be Raimi Spider-Man, Ock and Goblin; period. Venom temps me at times, but I can at least give it time until they release a version with a symbol 5 years from now. But there are so many things that I want to get at least a single figure to stand as a representative of, and so many others that I want to do a deep dive into, that I'm constantly going back and rethinking it all. For example I'll probably skip Black Adam and Battinson, and get only a Dr. Fate if they make him, as I'll need to go deep into DSitMoM. If the rumours are true then I'll have to set aside cash for a Professor X in his 90s chair (which is looking more likely every day, since in that concept art Wanda was wearing the exact same hoodie and jeans as she does in the NWH leaked trailer) at the very least.
As time goes on I'm limiting my list more and more to only the characters that I have some genuine connection to, so a lot of others that I "just like" will have to go. Between the cost and the clutter, I'm just not into the whole thing. It cheapens the whole hobby and the idea of "high end toys".
I just got back from watching this film. I didn't like it.
It started out ok, the first act, but there's too much talking, little action. The talking kept going in circles, just redundant and pointless, just like the ending of the film.
The action, messy, CGI heavy, and underwhelming. The multiverse Spidermen were underwhelming. No big intros for them, they just walk into the movie in a kitchen.
Lots of winking at the audience, forced "emotional moments", that will have little to no long-term meaning.
And Dr. Strange can't even beat Spidey in a fight now? Pathetic.
It was so awesome when the old Spidermen made their triumphant return in a kitchen and interacted with Ned who is magical now because he looks like Wong.
It was great to watch all the old characters give monologues about stuff we already know...over and over and over.
You know what the old Spiderman films needed in the final acts, more Ned and Mj. Yeah!!
Like I said already, I liked it, but I agree with all these. It's the OOC & PIS moments I mentioned earlier. The CGI was abhorent, to start off. And as a bigger Strangefan than Spider-Fan these days (funny thing, I got into Doctor Strange through the 90s SM cartoon, so they were always kinda linked for me; then again I got into Iron Man and the FF the same way, and the X-Men had their own show), I did hate how incompetent he came off as. And don't get me started on the Ned nonsense. I always hated kids being better than adults with training, it cheapens the journey you witness the MC take. I agree on the entrances as well, these guys just walk into a kitchen and webshoot some corners. We should've had scenes of them getting through, but I suppose they were going for a "random surprise" bit, and couldn't figure out another way. But still, underwhelming.
I could go on, but I don't know, I liked it. Maybe it's because of those final ten minutes. The Christmas atmosphere, the melancholy, the bittersweet air and yet the image of Peter taking the punches and moving on, even at his lowest point. It wrapped things up rather well and made me see the rest of the trilogy in another light. These days I'm too tired to critique these things too much. As long as I get the dollies and enjoy the 2 hours, I'm more or less satisfied. It's not really a well made movie, and there's tons of things they could've done better. Hell, a week later I'll probably be here going on about how they could've done it much better. But it had that something. Molina & DaFoe reprising their roles from nearly 20 years ago, and genuinely trying, Tobey coming back, Garfield getting his redemption; it had a spark of genuinity in it.
It's been ~4 months since I watched Eva 3.0+1.0 and then I went on to write this huge blogbost about it ending and yadda yadda yadda. 2 weeks later I'd started forgetting about it. Slowly but steadily. You get caught up in the excitement and then it passes like a hollow wind. Now with Spider-Man, between the 90s show, the Raimi movies and all the early videogames, plus the fact that the Ultimate line was the only then-current series I could find floppies for, I basically grew up with the guy. In a way at least, there were others right there next to him. So while I'm not in my full-on Spider-Mode now, this flick brought back certain memories. To the extent of the reactions I saw online? In no way. Eva hit me harder, even if arguably Spider-Man was a bigger part of my life. I suppose because he came so early, there was no "conscious" investment. But it stirred something in me, and that was good enough. Will it hold? I doubt it. But it was something.
What I've come to understand over the years is that everything in pop culture hinges heavily on nostalgia. I grew up with Marvel, and while I did go through my period of trying DC D-listers and scouring demonoid for compilation packs and obscure series, I can't deny that I have a special affection for that place. These are not really well-written pieces of literature, they're fun romps. And they vary in quality, sure, but when you've got an attachment towards something, you tend to be more forgiving. Which is why when all is said and done I'll have an entire wall's worth of Marvel dollies, whereas my DC corner will be a few Batman characters, some Green Lanterns and a handful of Vertigo people. My childhood and teenhood was spent in the Marvelverse and Star Wars, as pillars of IPs (I'm not going to get into vidya like MGS or Kain, or one-off blockbusters and the such, I'm generalising and compressing) that followed me for the next decade+. And in turn, that's where my investment lies as far as "fanaticism" goes.
So when it's all said done, the bit of fanservice that stirred the nostalgic feelings in me, and the satisfying 10 minutes, allow me to ignore the other massive problems. If I like a flick enough to want dollies from it, I'm satisfied. I'll get grumpier later, but for the moment, I'm good. When the figures go up for PO, and when they get to my hands 2 years later and I set them up, I'll be able to look at them and get transported 2 decades back. To those great ToyBiz SM figures, to the era of LOST, Halo and whatever else. And NWH is what'll make that possible, so, if anything, I can give it the "satisfaction" of saying that I liked it.