Is this guy not culturally appropriating Star Wars to an asinine degree?
Shouldn't that be wrong?

Shouldn't that be wrong?
Chris Farley, Jedi down by the river.Is this guy not culturally appropriating Star Wars to an asinine degree?
Shouldn't that be wrong?
Ah, one of the Internet's early casualties. Hope that kid recovered from that.Is this guy not culturally appropriating Star Wars to an asinine degree?
There’s your new Star Wars hero DisneyIs this guy not culturally appropriating Star Wars to an asinine degree?
Shouldn't that be wrong?
A white girl at a rock festival in middle America donning the sacred head dress of a badly damaged indigenous culture as a fashion accessory -- there's a pretty clear cut case of appropriation.
His transition to a woman helped him. He had to rid himself of his lightsaber.Ah, one of the Internet's early casualties. Hope that kid recovered from that.
LOLSo she's wearing something she thinks looks cool. Big deal.
Oh I definitely agree it certainly is I love the film but holy crap it is as much fantasy as Spiderman lolVery rewarding film if you can forgive historical inaccuracy though. I rewatched it a couple of years ago fearing the worst about how it might have aged and found it to still be quite powerful.
Hollywood and historical accuracy? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLWhat’s worse for me than any appropriation is what Gibson did to the historic accuracy of Braveheart the movie is literally 99.9% grossly inaccurate go get upset about that.
Mel said the accurate story was super boring to tell lol
Yet no one gets upset but OMG a white girl dresses like a native american on halloween WATCH OUT i’m super angry!Hollywood and historical accuracy? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I did read some about that, but was already used to Hollywood taking liberties. Was like Tombstone, an awesome movie. But the boring Costner one was more accurate, just wasn't as fun or interesting. Like Thanos said, reality is often disappointing. I think Garfield knows:Yet no one gets upset but OMG a white girl dresses like a native american on halloween WATCH OUT i’m super angry!
People want to over protect other people’s heritage so much but then go and support their histories being mutilated on screen.
But you really should read up on the Scots Irish English history of that era and you will quickly see that Braveheart is one of the most inaccurate movies ever made it’s bat **** crazy when you get into the details..
It really was a multiverse.
It should’ve been called Braveheart of Madness.
If I was a scot I would hate BH as much as the greeks hate 300 lol
Anyways I’ll try not to offend any vampires next year.
They really just keep making Ghostbusters when only the first one was actually any good huh
They really just keep making Ghostbusters when only the first one was actually any good huh