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Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Hey Sean, for your kitbash which TT are you using? Caucasian or Asian?

You can make a decent fill in kitbash, but if an Ep2 figure is done properly, it should look significantly different from Ep3.

This is better than nothing, and maybe for some plenty enough, but Obi-Wan's a huge favorite of mine and I'm still holding out for an actual AOTC figure, as well as TPM.


Caucasian. It's not a dead skintone match to the Clonobi head, but by the time you add the Jedi clothes, the hands are really the only skin tone you see well enough and it's fine. Caucasian is lighter than Clonobi, so Asian would be even paler/lighter compared to Clonobi head.

I can't wait to get the SSC figure, my kitbash was ok temporarily but needs dying and stuff to make it right, now I'll have all the nice new SSC stuff to make him look awesome.

Yeah I am using the Clonobi head on either the PRO (with an HT caucasian neck) or the TT (he is sitting on the PRO while he waits) dependant on height issues. But yeah, I plan on transfering all the Sideshow clothes and accessories over to him.
I'd go with the TT, I haven't tried the robes on a Pro, but I really like how sharp the TT shoulders make the Jedi tunic look, nice, squared off shoulders.


One of few figures I think the TT shoulders are good for, I think the Pro will seem just a hair too narrow for a good Jedi look.

The biggest element I needed for the bash is the white undershirt, no SSC Jedi's had a pure white undershirt yet, even mace is more a creamy color, so my kitbash had no contrast. SSC's tunic and undershirt really contrast nicely on this new figure, and the material looks nice too.
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I am actually going to bash it up on both bodies and take some pics for comparison for my Ask Sideshow thread.
Ahhh, the grand plan emerges.

You want me to do a picture. I actually have 2 spare ROTS Obi-Wan figure costumes, i could have a Pro, this AOTC figure on the Buck, and my TT kitbash standing all together actually shot together to show off?
You know that would be awesome.

Its not solely for that purpose though. I just really liked the look of your kitbash and I wanted that more than what we are getting on the buck. :duff
I do love the Clone Obi-Wan figure, it looks great, but I definitely was more excited to have an Episode II figure, especially after seeing the production paint at Comic-Con.

I think AOTC Obi-Wan may be my favorite look for action PT Obi-Wan. In ROTS, he was very Guinness and more the wise sage than the action guy. In AOTC he was just throwing down with everyone, but he had the beard going and had a more noble look to him, which I prefer. TPM he was a go getter, but he was more the young student with still a few lessons to learn. And when it was Ewan's natural hair, much like the style Trev modeled his sculpt after, I dug the mullet.
ok should i get the jedi knight obi wan ep 2 or should i get the clone war obi wan and make my own ep 2 obi wan?
the clone war head does look better but it would be more expensive buying everything to make the ep 2 obi wan
I have both. I bought an extra head and TT body. They are now both equally awesome.

This is what you should do.
yeah i ordered a second clone obi wan but they sent a jedi knight obi wan instead so im thinking of getting the difference back and keeping him :confused:
Does anybody recomend 1/6 Obi-Wan Kenobi AOTC?

I've been looking at pics of sideshow's obi-wan AOTC and just wanted to know if there is any1 whor ecomends it. I'm seriously considering getting one along with a piett and sandtrooper squad leader. Anybody have anythign bad to say bout AOTC obi?
There are 1295 posts here besides the last two---

Please feel free to use the search function...

If it's a character that has already had their release then we've discussed the product. We've taken pictures of the product. Some have stripped the product (cough cough :horror). But it's not necessary to start new threads every time you want to ask questions about a figure you're considering buying. Post in the pre-existing thread-- Or even before that feel free to look through the thread as there's tons of great info/ideas/pictures here.
I am actually a little bit surprised that there are almost no in-hand pictures of this figure.

I recently was able to collect this figure as I have been trying for quite some time. And finding the deal I wanted on it got me to reminiscing about this figure when it first got offered for pre-order. Shortly afterward, it popped up on ebay well before it was released and many were skepticle about it's validity. I ordered one and cancelled my regular version order from Sideshow. The one I got on ebay got lost at a Phoenix Post Office when I was working there. And I had to cancel my exclusive (along with Snake eyes and a bunch of other figures) for financial reason. I have been looking to get my replacement since then...but it has been a low priority so my attempts were spaced well apart. I finally came up with the ones i want for the prices I was hoping for. So I pulled up this thread to check out the figure only to find that there are almost no in-hand photos of him. I will enjoy changing that a little.
Congrats on finally adding this one to your collection, DC...


This is one of my all-time favorite Sideshow figures.

While the CW version is similar and pretty well done, it's this version that works the best for me....


I'm still hoping Sideshow produces an AOTC Anakin that can be displayed with him someday...