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Re: Rogue

oh man, that sucks bro. so far the other replacement heads have looked better. you gotta send SSC a nasty email.

Here is the e-mail I spammed to every customer service person I have dealt with at Sideshow. I sent all the pictures as well.


I received my Rogue replacement heads today and I am very, very upset with the way they were packaged. I don’t know why they heads were not wrapped in some sort of protective foam wrap or a plastic bag before being stuck in the crappy white foam boxes. Both heads were covered with the crumbly white foam and have paint rubs and damage because of the cheap packaging. One of the heads still has severely defective paint applications (headband painted too far down the forehead, eyes not straight, lower lip painted past line). Attached are several pictures of the heads and the foam cradles they were sent in.

I can’t believe that this is considered acceptable packaging.

Please let me know what can be done to make this right.

A very frustrated long time customer,
Re: Rogue

Looking forward to it Ski.

Re: Rogue

Got my (wife's) replacement yesterday. Despite SS telling me that I couldn't be assured of getting the same # back, they did send me the same number I returned (24/750).

Comparing to my original statue: Both heads have a much-improved paint job, the prints were not bent, the body was not broken and there were no glue blobs on the belt. About the only complaints I could make now are that there is a minor, minor chip in the paint of the base (I sincerely doubt I could even get it to show up in a photo if I took one) and there's, like, a paint blob or something on one boob. Honestly, I don't think you could even see it when viewing it in its display.

Short version: This is what SS should have been sending out in the first place. Shame on them for allowing it to happen. I hope the financial hit they took over this teaches them an important lesson. But at the same time, good on them for making it right.
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Re: Rogue

I hope this is the last time SSC paints any of there female eyeliners with black. It just looks god awful when it's not done right.
Re: Rogue

So I got the email from SSC telling me to wait 7-10 days for my replacement heads but nothing has shown up. Did those of you that got your heads get tracking info of some sort? I'm gonna email sideshow today regardless but just wanted to ask.

Same here.

I also got the 7-10 days (and you have to just count business days, so I assume not Sat. & Sun.) email 2 weeks ago and didn't get a shipping invoice.

So I emailed back asking what happened since it's been over 10 business days. Several hours later I got an apology for the mess up. Now they should be shipping in 2-3 days, so I'm guessing probably Monday. We'll see. An apology is an appreciated sentiment but I just want what I was told I'd get. I suppose if I didn't email back this soon I'd have been skipped over and screwed. If this has happend to anyone else, you should contact SS.

I want this Rogue thing settled before Psylocke comes. When the heads were originally promised for December I doubted that from the beginning so I put it out my mind once I got the email saying I was on the list for the heads. I haven't been angry at all, but with the reservation email several weeks ago and then not getting the ship notice on time I've been patient enough at this point. I suppose I just don't like getting skipped over? I don't think that's unreasonable. I've sent no nasty email nor have recieved any nasty response but if I don't get a shipping notice by Monday I will have to call them.

I don't know if no one is paying attention to this thread anymore, or if my question was missed.

I'll ask one more time and then I'll shut up about it.

Can someone go back and look at the pics that I posted (link above), and tell me if that gap in her hair is supposed to be there? Sideshow had me send my original back, and I can't for the life of me remember.

It looks broken.
Re: Rogue

And the rest.
There is the tiniest bit of paint going outside the lines on the Ex head's lips, but I didn't even know that it was there until I looked at these pics on my computer. When I went back and picked up the head again I had to hold it about an inch from my eye, and even then I could only just barely see it.











I think that gap looks wrong. I will check my original rogue when I get to work. i take it you didnt get replacement heads? cuz you could just compare to your original regular head. As for the EX head, that paint job still looks terrible IMO. It sucks cuz for me, my EX head was worse than my regular head originally. The first few people to post images had better painted eyes but these last few have not looked any better.
Re: Rogue

Does it look broken just by my pics, or do you have your Rogue in hand to compare? Sorry to be a nudge.

Also, I just noticed that my copy/paste of the link didn't work. Computer must've pasted what was copied earlier in the day. I've fixed it in my previous post, but it is still incorrect in the quote.

You just want to verify, I don't think you're being a nudge. I'm looking at mine right now. I thought I saw a chip in the hair gap on yours but if you don't think it looks like an actual chip then it's just bad paint. Even with mine its just a crusty job in that area.
Re: Rogue

Thanks, between you, Sarakawa, and VS1976, whom I pm'ed before Sarakawa's response, I'll know for sure. VS1976 even said that he'd take a pic of that area on his for me. If I have to send a message to SS about this I just want to know 100% for sure just in case they decide to tell me that it looks normal to them. I'd keep the thing if they offer a little money back, because, like I said, you can't see it from any normal viewing angle. Regardless, I'm not paying full price for something that is broken. I got $25 back for a tiny pin hole on the S shield of my HT Reeve Superman, so...

Alright, I checked my rogue and that gap is there but on mine, it is MUCH smoother. There are no weird jaggies and the paint is smooth. I think yours is chipped and the paint is not applied well.
Re: Rogue

I looked at my Rogue and, like sarakawa said, it seems like yours might of got chipped because the gap on mine is a lot smoother and straighter instead of being so jagged and I don't see any tan coloring there like I can on yours. I think it probably got nicked and the painter just brushed over it hoping to hide it.
Re: Rogue

It seems those of us waiting for both heads and body replacements will have to wait a little longer than the rest...anybody else has been told something like this?
Re: Rogue

Googly eye-less Rogue in the house. Now I just need a Gambit... :thwak