1/6 SSC 1:6 Batman - Gotham Knight

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Re: SSC BATMAN Gotham Knight

On the positive side, they would not be releasing a v2.0 if the line wasnt selling, so it must be doing good

Maybe superman didn't do as well as anticipated, so they are going to ol fateful to bring it home!!!
Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

In this case you are comparing a figure of a real human being to a comic book interpretation. If Hot Toys was to make a comic book based figure solely on the way it looks on the pages of a comic book, it wouldn't look that much different than Sideshow's.

Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

It's good to save judgment til all the photos come in :)

Good to see that they're still using the very good fabric they used for Blue Bats' cape. IMO blue's neutral face looks better but black's grit-teeth sculpt is superior.

Chest emblem looks Alex Ross-inspired while blue's Jim Lee-inspired. I dig both.

Belt looks less puffy now?

@$200, it's nice of SSC to throw in another head. Will wait for PO.
Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

I hope you are not using that Arkham Batman as a example of Hot Toys doing a better job. They failed miserably on that figure. The faces are not that bad but the rest is horrible. It's the worst stuff they have put out in a long time. I was looking forward to that one for a long time and it was a huge letdown. Hot Toys still does the best faces, nobody is arguing that, but Sideshow really is getting better. Some of the Sideshow face plates are too over-stylized on this Batman but you also have a few choices. A lot of Hot Toys figures have been coming with only one head lately and very little accessories. I do agree that the price should be somewhat lower. More like $160.00 probably. However, from most of the reviews of the Blue and Grey version the quality is really nice so I'm giving them some leeway.
Besides, this is the best comic based Batman figure in this scale so far.
Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

Has the Arkham Batman been seen since the PO pics? I've always wondered if they were gonna fix that horrible rubber suit. The lack of new pics could mean something
Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

I think the Arkham Batman looks phenomenal, and I've been waiting as long as anybody. The headsculpts are perfect, and the accessories, while a little lighter than I'd hoped, cover all the essentials. I also believe that rubber is the best choice for that suit. I've seen people attempt customs using fabric, and it comes out looking nothing like the game version. While I hope that they tighten and tone up the suit a little more, I would still gladly take the figure as it appeared in the promo pics, so long as it doesn't deteriorate.
Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

i must admit the long eared sculpt has really grown on me too.

another home run from sideshow. I have dropped my hot toys arkham Batman figure PO in favor of this. This looks a way better figure.
Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

I don't like the rubber suit also but at least the head sculpt is amazing! And top-notch quality of painting job besides no QC problems about the body! I have the SS Batman and his left arm joint is hallow! It will be not justice if we try to compare Hot Toys with Sideshow!
Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

This will go well with the long, or semi-long ears. Can't wait to put this guy together with my SSC supes. Blue bats is going with joker :D
Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

Looks pretty good, but are they really doing that weird grey paint app on the eyes again that makes them look so small? Why???
Re: SSC 1;6 Batman - Gotham Knight

Any ideas on when this will come out? I would think there will not be a huge wait time between preorder and release given that all of the production issues and tweaks should have already been taken care of with the first release.