SSC 1/6 Price Increase Discussion

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Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

Sideshow might have a real justification for this 30% price increase in the standard SW figures within 2 years. If so, I wish they would share it with us...
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

so from the original price of $49.99 to $64.99....that's quite a large increase, percentage wise.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

I was expecting $55... when I saw $65 I had to pass... I will get him cheaper somewhere else. So much for this being an affordable line.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

Not happy about it and i will probably cancel and buy it elsewhere.It's like they are seeing what they can get away with with SW fans.It's a popular character so lets increase the price.Lord knows the quality has not gone up any.

49.99 to 64.99 with the same exact quality? NOT COOL!
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

no , i was just being a jerk.. but i did notice something is up. unless han solo is getting a new and improved body....
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

I don't have a problem with it. So I will pay for it.

GTC FO LIFE! :cool:
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

I was a bit suprised when I first saw it, but that's just the nature of this hobby these days. The prices are out of control.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

Still cheaper than Medi and that's what keeps me going. Dave had a good insight in the other thread though about where the economy is headed (toilet). Between a bad economy and oil prices getting higher, prolly tacked on an extra dollar or two. Either way, not all that concerned, but that's just me.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

When these figures go over a $100 I'll stop buying SSC Direct, I honestly can't be home to sign for them and I don't need a flurry of figures coming to work. What will be interesting is when Vader and Fett are both released two of the most intricate armored figures, what they'll price point will be.....based on the natural assumption that armored figures will be higher than standards and the slow increase of the standards I'm guessing easily a $149.99 pricetag.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

no , i was just being a jerk.. but i did notice something is up. unless han solo is getting a new and improved body....

You bring up a good point. I suppose it's POSSIBLE that this figure might debut the new 1/6 standard body. In which case, I'd be completely fine with the price jack. However, if not then it definitely bodes for $75-80 standard figures with the new body and that is not cool.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

I highly doubt he's going to be on a new body. He has the standard neck and why post pics of him on a Buck body?
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

This thread actually has little to do with Star Wars. It's about a 30% price increase in standard 12" figures within 2 years time. It's not exactly line-specific. Unless, of course, your take is that SSC jacked the price because it's "Star Wars" and they know they have many collectors by the short hairs. In which case "whining" about it is more than applicable.

Now, go back to your Too Cool For School Club and leave the SW nerds to themselves.

Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

Hey, I am all for a great deal. However, this looks like a $64 product - and the extra $ is worth it for the uber cool exclusive.

I have ABSOLUTELY NO complaints with the price on this one! If that means higher quality, I am all for it on core characters like Han Solo from ANH
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

I highly doubt he's going to be on a new body. He has the standard neck and why post pics of him on a Buck body?

Perhaps the new one isn't quite ready yet? :confused: Just hypothesizing and looking for a rational reason for such a large increase over the price of, say, Bespin Luke (which was $10 less!)