SSC 1/6 Price Increase Discussion

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Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

Still cheaper than Medi and that's what keeps me going. Dave had a good insight in the other thread though about where the economy is headed (toilet). Between a bad economy and oil prices getting higher, prolly tacked on an extra dollar or two. Either way, not all that concerned, but that's just me.

some funny irony is that one factor in the increase in oil price is China's increase in fuel usage because of companies sending their factories there. so the companies get their goods produced for cheaper which means them make more money(if they keep the price constant) but because of this the Chinese have more jobs/make more money and use more fuel, thus helping drive the price of oil up, and then the companies bump the price of their goods to pay for the increase in cost that they themselves created. i know i'm over simplifying it a bit but it is a factor because of the size of their population.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

This thread actually has little to do with Star Wars. It's about a 30% price increase in standard 12" figures within 2 years time. It's not exactly line-specific. Unless, of course, your take is that SSC jacked the price because it's "Star Wars" and they know they have many collectors by the short hairs. In which case "whining" about it is more than applicable.

Now, go back to your Too Cool For School Club and leave the SW nerds to themselves.


Exactly right!
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

This thread actually has little to do with Star Wars. It's about a 30% price increase in standard 12" figures within 2 years time. It's not exactly line-specific.

I don't think it is....The Shaun of the Dead figures are really highly priced considering that they aren't that complex and whether its because they don't expect to sell that many or the license was expensive the figures across lines have been slowly increasing.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

I certainly would not have purchased at this price if I didn't have reward points.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

I don't think we are whining, just having a discussion over price increases. Perhaps the Thread should have been called SS price increase versus Han, but some very valid points have been brought up.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

some funny irony is that one factor in the increase in oil price is China's increase in fuel usage because of companies sending their factories there. so the companies get their goods produced for cheaper which means them make more money(if they keep the price constant) but because of this the Chinese have more jobs/make more money and use more fuel, thus helping drive the price of oil up, and then the companies bump the price of their goods to pay for the increase in cost that they themselves created. i know i'm over simplifying it a bit but it is a factor because of the size of their population.

And it's only going to get worse as China demands more oil. Those prices aren't coming down anytime soon. Plastic prices are going to rise more and more and so will the price of our toys.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

I don't think we are whining, just having a discussion over price increases. Perhaps the Thread should have been called SS price increase versus Han, but some very valid points have been brought up.

Rename the thread "SSC 1/6 Price Increase Discussion" (go to Advanced in edit mode... you can rename it there if you want).
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

How much were the old Spinal Tap figures? I think they were priced obscenely low. Times are changing. The only thing to do is save your money if you can't justify the expense. This is the unfortunate choice and sacrifice I am making as of late. The economy is not doing well and honestly for me it's getting harder and harder to swing this type of purchase. I know $65 might not seem like a lot but it definitely adds up and has to come from somewhere. :monkey2
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

I will cancel and not buy direct from SS anymore and get them from online retailers. I buy Medicom and HT enough,SS was my affordable line and now it's creeping too high with no quality increase.If SS wants to play with the big boys they need to change their body first before they even think of increasing the price. (the hobbits i'm fine with this not so much)
All I can say is that I am happy they made Jabba and the throne all ready because I wouldn't be able to afford them now.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

There's no denying that China is moving out of the 3rd world and becoming a capitalist power. Thus the costs there are going up. But also they have had major shake-ups in the industry and lots of plant closings.

Coupled with a weak US dollar and the price of oil, I'm sure manufacturing costs have easily gone up 30%. But the price has only gone up 20% from Bespin Han.

And remember that Master Replicas lost the SW license because they couldn't or wouldn't afford the license fee insisted upon by LFL. This fee must have been exorbitant as SW was the only thing keeping MR afloat and it must have been devastating for them to give it up.

I'm not trying to be an apologist, but there are a lot of factors involved in price increases. And it's a little naive to think that even though these are half the cost of a medicom or HT figure they are half the quality.
Re: Han Price Increase discussion thread

And remember that Master Replicas lost the SW license because they couldn't or wouldn't afford the license fee insisted upon by LFL. This fee must have been exorbitant as SW was the only thing keeping MR afloat and it must have been devastating for them to give it up.

Agreed. With SW being 90% of MR's business it would have been suicide to give up willingly yet Corgi let it go which means the cost must have been amazingly high. Looking at the way things are getting released SW is becoming a major force in SSC's line up as well having more attention paid to it than any other, while I doubt SSC will go the way of MR where fans are wondering how long that company will be around, they are painting themselves into a dangerous corner.
I'm just grateful these are not Medicom or Hot Toys prices. Otherwise, I would have to quit 1/6 collectibles altogether.