SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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So far, best price I've found is $125.99

Probably best to wait until all are delivered and been sitting for awhile. Or GoHastings with a code.

Trudat, there's plenty of these as well, I'm sure it will go on the GC list at SSC also. All of the environment pieces have gone on there from time to time.
Alter Ego has it for $125.99... which is the standard $10 off retailer price.

Although I'm gonna hold off of this one, either watch for a deal on eBay or see if (like WG said) GoHastings or some other retailer start blowing them out.

I'm guessing, like Han in Carbonite this will take a while to disappear from retailers and there will be a few opportunities to get a good deal.
Yep. I want this chair but I'm fine with having my Emperor stand around for a few months until I can find his chair for a good price.

By Christmas time they should be greatly reduced.

I also want to see in hand pics and reviews of this to decide ultimately what I want to spend for it. Right now, my gut is saying wait until it goes under $100. I don't really want to spend more than $75 for it.
Only way i would pay the asking price is if the lights lit up. Now way am i paying over 100$ for my toy to sit down.
Just got my shipping notice for the throne but when I checked my orders online it says the status the Emperor, Greedo and Mos Eisley Cantina "Item shipping soon." :horror
Canceled the Throne as well. I'm sure I'll have no problems going back and getting it once I have my Emperor in hand and if Star Wars Shop has it I'll wait for them to just clearance it out.
Mine has shipped. Throne that is. They used the RP on it so my Emperor will be full price but the throne did only cost $131.