SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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*Pixletwin mulls over whether or not he has done anything to piss Deak off over the last 4 years*

LOL...I was just going to say...give me your user name and password and I will take care of...everything (said in my best ____ Dastardly voice).
LOL...I was just going to say...give me your user name and password and I will take care of...everything (said in my best ____ Dastardly voice).....................

I hate to be predictable, but: cancelled. Timing couldn't be worse. Most expensive thing I had on order and the most broke I've been all year.

Can't wait to see pics though.
It's be nice to have some sign that the Emperor himself will be coming soon, don't want to have just the throne for too long.

Same here. Very strange this got done first. Hopefully that means they are taking their time on the Emperor. Or maybe the Emperor just wants to make sure the furniture store delivered the chair before he moves into the new place :lol

In the mean time, I FLEX'd this. Might as well break the payment up a bit and shorten the time between getting the throne and the Emperor. Who knows, the Emperor might arrive first now for me?
Same here. Very strange this got done first. Hopefully that means they are taking their time on the Emperor. Or maybe the Emperor just wants to make sure the furniture store delivered the chair before he moves into the new place :lol

In the mean time, I FLEX'd this. Might as well break the payment up a bit and shorten the time between getting the throne and the Emperor. Who knows, the Emperor might arrive first now for me?

Moff Jerjerrod: The Emperor's coming here?

Darth Vader: That is correct, Commander. And, he is most displeased with your apparent lack of progress.

Moff Jerjerrod: We shall double our efforts.

Darth Vader: I hope so, Commander, for your sake. The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.
Had to cancel. I kinda want it for display, but I won't be getting any extra money for a bit, and if I do I would rather be able to get the Gandalf PF or the Hot Toys War Machine figure.
Can I ask a dumb question Pix, why can't you cancel it?

For some weird reason Sideshow changed he status of both Emperor and Throne to Item Shipping Soon. Of course, when thats your status cancelation is no longer an option so I need to do it by phone.

As it is I found someone to help me out that is easy for me to get a hold of. I appreciate the offer to help though. :hi5:
For some weird reason Sideshow changed he status of both Emperor and Throne to Item Shipping Soon.

Does that mean what I think it means :panic:
Altough it wouldn't be any problem for me if the throne ships first because I've pre-order Palp's and his throne together as a set :D
(So I expect them to ship together...:))
Will prolly cancel and pick up later.

I just did cancel and will pick it up later.

I want the throne, I think its pretty key to the Emperor. But, I don't need it right away (especially as there is no figure yet) and I'm not even a little worried about this shooting up in value.

Kind of sucks though. Sideshow finally answers the call, but timing and price kill what would otherwise be an awesome piece.
I just did cancel and will pick it up later.

I want the throne, I think its pretty key to the Emperor. But, I don't need it right away (especially as there is no figure yet) and I'm not even a little worried about this shooting up in value.

Kind of sucks though. Sideshow finally answers the call, but timing and price kill what would otherwise be an awesome piece.

Called this morning to cancel. Funny thing is I felt bad about canceling. I sort of wanted to explain, I didn't, to the SS rep why I was canceling.
Too many things are showing up at the moment and just by looking around I can save myself at least $15. Doesn't sound like much but $15 that stays in my pocket is good.
Called this morning to cancel. Funny thing is I felt bad about canceling. I sort of wanted to explain, I didn't, to the SS rep why I was canceling.
Too many things are showing up at the moment and just by looking around I can save myself at least $15. Doesn't sound like much but $15 that stays in my pocket is good.

Yea that's a pizza...