SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Does anyone else think it was a bit foolish to announce The Emperor PF on his throne? I mean, anyone who gets both 12" and PFs will probably not want to display both versions the same way, so I imagine the desire for the 12" scale throne will diminish. Or are SW fans rabid enough that it won't matter an ounce?
well some people only collect 1/6 and some only collect PF so it's nice that they offer both. everyone can be happy.
I'd be HAPPY if they would ship me the bloody chair!

Does sideshow just not like to ship products paid for with points?

Probably just bad timing of it starting to ship just before SDCC, check with them end of this week if you've still heard nothing.

You sure you order doesn't have a ship them together request?
I got a fright when I looked at my order, which included the throne on flexpay and exclusive Palps. It said 'canceled' next to Palpy!!! Heart attack. Then I saw that they'd actually separated the two orders. I hope they ship together, though. I've no interest in displaying an empty chair.
The emperor wasn't in Episode IV was he? So they really need to make an Episode VI Vader if you want to display them both together like they have in the promo pics.
To be slave to the movies, Vader and Palpatine never were in the room together except in ROTS and ROTJ, in ANH The Emperor was just mentioned and in ESB he was a hologram.
Got my replacement throne from Alter Ego today. I'm pleased to report it's all in one piece this time. I can see why it was broken last time. This time there were two styrofoam squares wedged between the base and the throne to prevent the base from wobbling back and forth.

Those squares weren't in there last time. Seems like somebody was asleep on the packing line when these were boxed up.
