SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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I thought the cane was too short at first. But then I remembered that Palpatine is hunched over when he walks with it. So that is how I posed him.
Lightning would really look great with this sculpt, IF they lightning looked good in static form. Not sure that ever really works too well.

But still, over expressive or not, the head in hand and at scale just looks really mean and works better than I thought it would when standing.

I didn't get the throne either...yet... but I'd like to if can find it for $60 or so.... in like a year.

They could've done the lightning out of the same plastic as the lightsabers and painted the hands to match Palps' skin tone and it would've looked just fine. But ____, they're so cheap they didn't even give him pants! :lol
It's kind of funny that he walks around with a cane all weak and hunched, then later in his chamber he's standing tall and walking up and down stairs just fine.

Faker. I'll be he has a handicap sticker in his car too.
They could've done the lightning out of the same plastic as the lightsabers and painted the hands to match Palps' skin tone and it would've looked just fine. But ____, they're so cheap they didn't even give him pants! :lol

The lack of pants is odd indeed.

But I didn't notice that the hands were a different shade than the sculpt. They looked fine to me... unlike Toht.
Let me ask you this. If you were an all powerful sith lord in a creepy bath robe, would you wear pants?

I can say for sure I wouldn't....well maybe sweat pants.
It's kind of funny that he walks around with a cane all weak and hunched, then later in his chamber he's standing tall and walking up and down stairs just fine.

Faker. I'll be he has a handicap sticker in his car too.

*recalls a certain little green jedi walking with a cane then flopping around a room like the Tasmanian devil*
And I actually really disagree with the hate for the reguler sculpt. Yes, it is neutral, but I like it. Not as much as the angry sculpt, but I can find uses for it.
It's kind of funny that he walks around with a cane all weak and hunched, then later in his chamber he's standing tall and walking up and down stairs just fine.

Faker. I'll be he has a handicap sticker in his car too.

I read somewhere that he intentionally appears weak and frail to hide his power.
I lost interest after the official pics in the throne alongside Vader. I sold my SS Vader because I didn't like the look alongside Palps. I figured no Palps no need for Vader. Now all the in hands pics prompted me to order the Palps exclusive.

Back to looking for Vader :slap

I am still undecided about the throne....

I really like the look of my Medicom Vader next to the emperor in his throne. Granted I've given mine some height and padded up the body, but I finally quelled the urge to buy the SS Vader. For now at least...

Oh and the throne is a must IMO, maybe not at the price I payed for it in my impatience, but definitely at some point!

I'll be displaying the regular sculpt cause he's gonna be in the throne. I doubt I even put the Ex sculpt on the figure. Maybe just real quick to take 1-2 shots. No lightning was odd just because its central to the character at the end of Jedi. The pants I could truly care less about seeing as how he has a ____ pile of robes covering him and you'd never see the pants anyways.
I read somewhere that he intentionally appears weak and frail to hide his power.

Yes, this is mentioned in one of the visual dictionaries. Not everyone is aware of how powerful he is, due to the front he puts up. I mean, look at how the Jedi underestimated him for all those years. Add a cane to the mix, and no one thinks he's going anywhere fast.
I'll be displaying the regular sculpt cause he's gonna be in the throne. I doubt I even put the Ex sculpt on the figure. Maybe just real quick to take 1-2 shots. No lightning was odd just because its central to the character at the end of Jedi. The pants I could truly care less about seeing as how he has a ____ pile of robes covering him and you'd never see the pants anyways.

Not the point though. You like getting ripped off? They said he was coming with pants and then didn't make them. I'm also not happy that they cheaped out on sleeves for Firefly's turtleneck sweater and instead gave him a woman's sleeveless one. I would expect these types of cost cutting antics on a $15 Hasbro figure, not a $90+ high-end collectible.
I have been suspecting that more and more Sideshow cares less and less about their 1:6 properties (though I couldn't care less about pants).
Not the point though. You like getting ripped off? They said he was coming with pants and then didn't make them. I'm also not happy that they cheaped out on sleeves for Firefly's turtleneck sweater and instead gave him a woman's sleeveless one. I would expect these types of cost cutting antics on a $15 Hasbro figure, not a $90+ high-end collectible.

I don't feel like I'm getting ripped off. I didn't even realize the page said pants to be honest and wouldn't have looked in the first place. Just not something I worry about one way or the other really. As far as Firefly I wouldn't be taking his jacket off either so its not something I would have looked for.

I have been suspecting that more and more Sideshow cares less and less about their 1:6 properties (though I couldn't care less about pants).

See thats not accurate at all. Let me put it this way from having conversations about them in regards to SW and GI Joe at SDCC they very much care about these lines.
Right. We didn't get pants as advertised. Instead we get interior robes that weren't advertised at all. Much more material, I assume (maybe that's where Firefly's sleeves went.)

Good point. SW is an anomaly when it comes to 1:6 and Sideshow.
They cared about 1:6 LOTR too... doesn't reflect the real world practicality of business though.

It didn't sell well so they gave it the axe. Had it sold better it would still be around. Gi Joe and SW sell well enough and they care about both. So like I said they love doing 1:6th stuff and love the lines they have. As long as all things work things will stick around.