SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Just opened mine, and really the regular head is not as bad in person. And I have to eat my words, I think they actually got the waffle pattern in the robe pretty well.
i dig the figure but it dawned on me tonight... i dropped $100 on it.

an old dude in a robe and useless cane = $100.

My wife said the same thing, you spent 100$ on that?

I said shut up and get back in the kitchen, hahahaha

I only paid $8 for mine :monkey3

Although it took $1900 worth of purchases to get that many RP :thud:
Mine arrives today and the head leaves me 'meh' feeling. The exclusive grimmace head is the way to go, clearly. The passive one looks nothing like the actor. Outfit looks good. I notice that my fav pics are the ones in which you can barely see his face, so that's the way I'll be posing him



The Empie will look cooler with the RotJ Vader anyway... I just sold my Vader last week. No regrets. :)
While I still feel the exclusive head is better, one of the things throwing off the regular head is the painted lips. A good repaint on this guy will help.
While I still feel the exclusive head is better, one of the things throwing off the regular head is the painted lips. A good repaint on this guy will help.

Agreed. I'm looking at mine now, and the two heads are dead even for me. I think they're both excellent! The lips are wrong, that's all. Can't wait to get him on my desk and make him.... mine.

Pics coming momentarily.