SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Swingin' Galactic Ruler Palpatine

E put the grrrrr in swinger baby, yeah
King -- what did you do to make Vader the correct height to Palps? Torso swap or cut legs?

Great pic BTW!

PJB-1138 said:
Hey, KD! How DID you get Vader at the proper height to the Emperor?!? Or is Palpy standing on something? This looks spot on!

Put him on a box :lol

Its comedic the size difference.


I should be getting my Palpatine some time today, he was out for delivery at 5:29 am this morning. He should be here around 5:30 pm LOL!
With the exception of the short cane, seems like everyone is very happy with this figure so far. Those who have it in hand anyway.

Like Oscorp, can't wait for the serious futz shots soon.
the UPS truck is parked on my street. he must be delivering other packages. i can see my package sitting next to the driver seat. should i just run over and take it or should i wait another minute til he brings it over? maybe i should make this a poll.
Just got mine in. Here are some pics with some quick futzing just to get him complete in the picture that's been waiting for him. Sorry if a couple images are blurry. Camera isn't that great without the use of flash, and the flash shots came out really bad.

Now all I need is for Sideshow to hurry up and make an Imperial Guard and Grand Moff Tarkin





I ordered a regular version of Palpatine as well as the Exclusive.

Having the exclusive with the extra head makes me wonder...

What is the purpose of releasing this figure with only the neutral expression head?