SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I got my order in for the exclusive. I can't wait to have the old man and his throne in my collection.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

Yeah Dave!

Here's how it works. Get Sideshow to send us all Pre-production figures (We'll take real good care of them!!)

We play about... Ahh I mean take serious, professional photographs of them.

and then somehow Fed-Ex loose them when we post them back:monkey1

Sound like a good idea?
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

A bit of a lag but I got my orders in for the Emperor and the Throne. :D
Used reward points so the Emperor is only $66.35 shipped. I hope I can get the Throne too but ordered separately just in case I couldn't.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

Got my order in--2 hours too late, so "W" for me. Lol...

Will find an AD with a better deal for the chair.

7-8 months is an eternity before this stuff even comes out...
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I skipped the throne, but did get confirmed for the Exclusive. Love the grimace!

Plus, I had $15 in points saved up so there's that. Merry Christmas to me!
Well, they are coming out around the same time and they are the same price so its either keep this or Punisher................ so long Punisher.
Got both, depending how the Joe line picks up may cancel though

Babies on the way mad bills to pay.. :)
DAMMIT!!! I forgot about this, it's only the collectible I've looked forward to the most! UUUGGGHHH!!!

Had to get on the Wait List. :(