SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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:lol really that's it.... :rotfl

It started as an attempt to see if there was a correlation between when shipping notices go out and when orders are placed, and now it's just become a time honored tradition that does not favor pix when he runs the thread :lol
Was the movie at least worth it?

Well, the movie was amazing. Blew my mind how good the graphics were. I will tell you whether or not it was worth it if I get my Emperor Palpatine next year. It's gonna be a shame when I end up with a throne and no Emperor to sit in it.

I need to introduce some of you people to this cool concept called alarm clocks.

Nothing puts me in a worse mood than being awakened by an alarm clock. I am not a morning person in the least.
Pixel, what does the experiment figure out?

That he's getting his figure long after everyone else on the list :lol

No. It's to encourage Batty to join in only to see him receive his weeks after everyone else. :monkey5

Just a dumb thing I do to see how the order times vs when people actual receive them pan out. :)
It's not funny, Ski. :( It's James Cameron's fault for making me see Avatar at midnight and then sleeping until all hours of the afternoon today.

I might be watching Avatar tonight, so I'll have both Palps, the throne and will have seen Avatar buy the end of the night.

U chose poorly... :rotfl


It's not funny, Ski. :( It's James Cameron's fault for making me see Avatar at midnight and then sleeping until all hours of the afternoon today.

i think you should sue JC............might get a settlement that will cover your ebay prices to buy this thing....:lol

j/k...........wait lists should convert.....:banana