SSC Batman 1/6 figure

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Just when I think I have my Batman looking perfect, I see yours :lol

Great work as always Seb. Love the painting that you did :clap

THE BATMAN. Tony Mei suit. I painted muscle definition on the suit to bring more contrast. Sideshow belt reworked, boots, gloves and body. Erick Sosa head painted by me.

Is it still possible to get the Sosa head? Seeing how this figure can look with that and Tony's suit has me seriously considering the Sideshow Batman.
You are a better man than me. I never could get that damn thing unstitched without messing it up.

Ya know, it scared me at first but I had a little $2 seam ripper and I started down low and once I got a couple stitches cut it almost unraveled by itself.
Christmas gift


Probably my favorite Bats figure now.
So you guys know usps has new batman stamps

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Finished customizing my SS Batman today. I painted the Erick Sosa/Ashkan/Tony Mei head yesterday, giving him the stubble as in All Star Batman. Swapped belts with my previous custom Bats, and modded the trunks a bit to reduce their thickness. Enjoy. :)






Nice customs. Where did u get the boots & gauntlets for the Bats on the right?
I'm actually shocked we haven't seen the Black and Grey version of this. It seems like a no-brainer variant to do and they've already made a variant similarly to the life-size busts. I don't think we'll see it as an SDCC exclusive because Batman will sell too well all over but I am still shocked it hasn't come yet.

Sideshow have stated that they would rather make a new figure than do simple repaints or variants of an existing figure we've gotten before, so when they get to making a black and grey Batman, it won't be a reuse of this figure.
Sideshow have stated that they would rather make a new figure than do simple repaints or variants of an existing figure we've gotten before, so when they get to making a black and grey Batman, it won't be a reuse of this figure.

Really? Doesn't sound like Sideshow. (Isn't meant to sound sarcastic)
Really? Doesn't sound like Sideshow. (Isn't meant to sound sarcastic)

Saved this quote that Bardoon posted since he talked with one of the reps at SDCC last year.

I had some hands on with this figure and came away very impressed.

Kevin Ellis (Sideshow's Costume Designer/Project Manager) brought out BOTH Batman and Superman for some of us to look at. Which was awesome of him to do. Really nice and friendly open guy and I know he's here on the Freaks board so THANK YOU KEVIN!

According to Kevin and some of this may have been said here, the figure bodies are totally new and designed specifically for Supes and Bats SO FAR. Batman obviously has the buffer one between he and Superman. There are nice ratchet joints along the shoulders that should help provide studier holds for poses. One downside is that the elbows are not double-jointed but Kevin mentioned this was a decision made based on the spandex costume that the figures have. The reason being that they found that double joints tend to get caught in the costume and damage the fabric. Also, due to the muscularity of the figure body, making that double joint can be tricky.

The boots appear to be two pieces with the rubber boot along the shin slipping into the crease by the ankle, this allows the ankle to move pretty freely. Hopefully there won't be much strain because the rubber can eventually split as it did on one of prototype models I handled.

Sideshow is getting better at 1/6th. Kevin says they've learned a lot and they're being more flexible, which is why you don't see one devoted figure body like the Prometheus. They hope to be able to re-use some of their newer figure bodies, but they'll cater towards the specific character.

I asked about a Black & Gray Batman (my personal favorite colors for Bats) and he said if they do it, he would prefer it to be a *NEW* Batman figure as opposed to a repaint of this one.

Kevin also noted that they wanted to go with the "classic" DC looks for their DC line because they took a look at what was out there and noticed a lack of "classic" DC interpretations of their heroes in 1/6th (Medicom is an exception but they have a different style). So they went that route but would eventually like to change them up later on with some creativity like they have with the Marvel SSC figures (Wolvie & Deadpool). It's likely if they do Superman and Batman again, they might do their "own" versions of the character as opposed to taking a pre-existing design and making a figure of that.

He also noted that if they ever did Wonder Woman, she would likely be a new figure body.

This guy was handling the figures right next to me and taking a lot of pics. So he has some good shots. He also did variations of all the different headsculpts with the various mouth expressions.

By the way, these Bats and Supes were EARLIER production prototypes than the ones they had in the display cases. So the ones in the cases were the most up-to-date with slight changes (color variations mostly).

I wouldn't mind them doing a black and grey Batman from the ground up while still using the same body from this figure, should add a nice variety and could be used for a "Batman throughout the ages" display.
Don't know how much of a direct quote that is from Mr. Ellis, but just from the word "prefer" sounds like he doesn't have the final say.
Don't know how much of a direct quote that is from Mr. Ellis, but just from the word "prefer" sounds like he doesn't have the final say.

Yeah, you're right, maybe they will, maybe they won't, seeing as how DC is more restrictive on how their characters are being interpreted than Marvel. In a way though, I wouldn't mind a black and grey Batman that isn't just a simple repaint, I would actually be quite interested in seeing how their "interpretation " of that costume comes out. Provided it doesn't stray too much from what is in the comics.