SSC Batman 1/6 figure

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Yeah, you're right, maybe they will, maybe they won't, seeing as how DC is more restrictive on how their characters are being interpreted than Marvel. In a way though, I wouldn't mind a black and grey Batman that isn't just a simple repaint, I would actually be quite interested in seeing how their "interpretation " of that costume comes out. Provided it doesn't stray too much from what is in the comics.

I'm with you and Ellis. I would much "prefer" a different rendition rather than just a color variation. However, Sideshow just strikes me as a company that takes the easy route as of late.
See I think with Batman for example who is a Top Tier character for DC and will be a Top Tier character for SSC we'll see multiple versions and interpretations for him in all manners of colors and designs. So I wouldn't mind if they did a "repaint" of this in Black and Grey because we'll see other designs including apparently SSC's own interpretations and I'm sure they'll be done in both Blue/Grey and Black/Grey versions both.
do you think ssc will continue batman line? i am keen to see ssc develop comic bane , poison ivy, robin, batgirl and nightwing.
do you think ssc will continue batman line? i am keen to see ssc develop comic bane , poison ivy, robin, batgirl and nightwing.

I'm sure they'll go deep into line eventually. It's no brainer that Robin will come sooner than later. They've mentioned that with Wonder Woman for example a new body will have to be created so I wouldn't count on Babs until they do that or any other females. Given how much is exposed on Ivy I would assume that she is further away than even Babs. Things like Bane which would require a bigger body altogether are really far away IMHO.

SSDC doesn't have a Batman line.

:lol They kind of do. You know that they'll be Batman heavy I mean look at the releases in EVERY format so far.
I would be fine with a straight up black and gray variant with only color changes to the costume. Maybe a slightly bulkier symbol and different mouth sculpt if they want to but it's not a necessity. I was pleasantly surprised by how this figure turned out. I just like him in black rather than blue. This would be easy money for Sideshow so I hope they take advantage of it.
I'm sure they'll go deep into line eventually. It's no brainer that Robin will come sooner than later. They've mentioned that with Wonder Woman for example a new body will have to be created so I wouldn't count on Babs until they do that or any other females. Given how much is exposed on Ivy I would assume that she is further away than even Babs. Things like Bane which would require a bigger body altogether are really far away IMHO.

at the rate that these are coming at us i would wager never for larger figures like Bane. which is a huge shame. I think Batgirl and nightwing still stand a good chance though, but they need to speed the line up to keep people interested. Right now the only figure up for PO is Superman which is not exactly the most anticipated figure of all time thanks to the reviews, but thats another thread. SSC need to start letting us know whats down the pipe.
Instead of a variant batman right this moment we should be campaigning for a Robin With 2 costumes and 3 sculpts ( bonus being jason Todd. If they do the sculpt right they can have different face plates for expression. And batgirl. Possibly with 2 jumpsuits one grey and one black. 2 capes one being blue the other black with yellow lining

Nice customs. Where did u get the boots & gauntlets for the Bats on the right?

Thanks. :) The gauntlets and boot sleeves (and the cape and trunks for that matter) are by Tony Mei, the boot feet by Ashkan, and the gloves are HT Begins Batman repainted.
at the rate that these are coming at us i would wager never for larger figures like Bane. which is a huge shame.

Not necessarily. There are plenty of bigger figures that could use this body. I'm sure it is already in development. It's going to be feast and famine with these things. Slow at first and then people complaining that they are coming too fast. It's been like that with all their licenses.

I think Batgirl and nightwing still stand a good chance though, but they need to speed the line up to keep people interested.

Probably. I could see them using Catwoman's body for Barbara unless they go with the Burnside version but I would imagine they'd want her less chesty. Nightwing will probably utilize the Superman body to make him thinner will probably be out sooner than later I'd think.

Right now the only figure up for PO is Superman which is not exactly the most anticipated figure of all time thanks to the reviews, but thats another thread. SSC need to start letting us know whats down the pipe.

Well Marvel had three previews and only one PO'd and nothing since. I have a feeling there are growing pains with these two licences. I think we'll get a glutton of these soon enough. The Flash and Green Lantern were both being retooled so at least we know something is coming.

Instead of a variant batman right this moment we should be campaigning for a Robin With 2 costumes and 3 sculpts ( bonus being jason Todd. If they do the sculpt right they can have different face plates for expression. And batgirl. Possibly with 2 jumpsuits one grey and one black. 2 capes one being blue the other black with yellow lining

I don't think you'll see SSC double dipping with changable heads, etc. I think we'll see a Tim Drake Robin first (just a hunch) and then eventually a Grayson, Todd and Wayne. With Batman they'll squeeze the juice out of the license hard.
Oh yeah, Darkseid, Etrigan, Solomon Grundy, Kilowog, there are ton that could/would utilize the bigger body.
Wow. Tony that is perfect. I don't think SSC will be able to hit that level of awesome.
probably my best purchase this year. I love this guy more than my hot toys batman just because of his size and his menacing look. i mean look at him, an angry bodybuilder batman is damn intimidating. :lol

Really nothing to complain about, a must have for me.